Liquid Courage – Netroots Nation 2013 kickoff party with Howard Dean
Liquid Courage – Netroots Nation 2013 kickoff party with Howard Dean
Session Type(s): Special Event
Starts: Wednesday, Jun. 19 10:30 PM (Eastern)
Ends: Thursday, Jun. 20 12:30 AM (Eastern)
Liquid Courage, will feature Gov. Howard Dean and will be held on Wednesday, June 19th from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. at the The Tech Museum of Innovation in San Jose. There will be a California-themed photo booth, robots, virtual reality, and special Liquid Courage cocktails. Ari Rabin-Havt of Media Matters will also be broadcasting a Netroots Nation edition of The Agenda on Sirius/XM live from the party. We’re looking forward to welcoming you to the first Netroots Nation in the Golden State!
Make sure you book your travel and accommodations accordingly, you won’t want to miss out.
Got an idea for a panel or training you’d like to see at Netroots Nation this summer? Our annual call for submissions will open February 10! Make sure you’re on our email list to get updates.