Netroots Nation 2014

Posted by | May 5, 2014
Stop the Deportations: How We’re Calling on President Obama to Use Executive Power to Stop Separating Families

In the six years of his administration, President Obama has overseen more than 2 million deportations—a record number that surpasses that of any other president ever. The number is one...

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Posted by | May 5, 2014
Religious Exemptions: The Next Frontier for Progressive Battles

Across the country, the religious right is losing the moral battles for LGBTQ equality, reproductive justice, and workers' rights. So why are progressives losing so many legal and legislative battles?...

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Posted by | May 5, 2014
A Labor of Love: How the American Labor Movement is Securing LGBT Equality

There are few alliances that have been as productive as that of the labor and LGBT movements. Even before the rise of large national LGBT organizations, the American labor movement...

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Posted by | May 5, 2014
Everything You Need to Know to Run a Progressive Startup You Learned at this Panel

Taking an organization from zero to thriving isn't easy. Come hear from progressive startup founders across the spectrum of for-profit to non-profit, and early-stage to late-stage: Berim, Upworthy, SumOfUs, UltraViolet,...

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Posted by | May 5, 2014
Innovative Field Strategy: How Social Network Theory and Visualization Technology Can Achieve 2% Flake Rates (and Progressive Victories)

Over the past few cycles, we've seen the importance of innovative field programs in successful campaigns. The most effective campaigns have understood the increasing synchronicity of digital and field as...

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Posted by | May 5, 2014
Civil Disobedience Gets Results: Lessons from the Immigration, Labor and Climate Movements

Across the progressive movement, activists and organizations are embracing civil disobedience on a large scale as a tactic to escalate pressure in our most crucial fights—and getting results. We'll share...

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Posted by | May 5, 2014
Ask a Sista: Black Women Muse on Politics, Policy, Pop Culture and Scholarship

This session was a big hit in 2011, 2012, and 2013 with a panel of progressive Sistas who take no prisoners and give you the critical, political analysis you deserve....

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Posted by | May 5, 2014
Detroit, Rocked City: How the Bankruptcy Led to Retirement Attacks that Could Spread Nationwide

Join us for a discussion on one of the biggest factors in income inequality: the right-wing assault on retirement security. Learn about the Detroit bankruptcy and what it means for...

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Posted by | May 5, 2014
Fighting for Democratic Practices after an Emergency Manager Takeover in Michigan: Report from the Trenches

Since taking office in 2010, Rick Snyder, the corporate-friendly Republican governor of Michigan, has installed 10 so-called "emergency managers" (EMs) to take the place of elected mayors, city councils, and...

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Posted by | May 5, 2014
Creating a Beloved Community: Visionaries for an Inclusive Detroit

Many reports about Detroit focus on decrepit houses and factories, constructing a narrative of ruin porn that promotes a curiously titillating mix of nostalgia and dismay. Others promote the Gilbertification...

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