We've fought back from a fake news attack on Planned Parenthood, helped Bernie expand his tent in Iowa, and suffered as we watched Rob Quist get smeared online in Montana....
We've fought back from a fake news attack on Planned Parenthood, helped Bernie expand his tent in Iowa, and suffered as we watched Rob Quist get smeared online in Montana....
As election results poured in on November 8, pundits predicted that Obamacare was toast. Republicans had been campaigning on repeal for 7 years and were now in total control. It...
With the possibility of scandal and obstruction of justice looming, the undefeated Trump era winning political season continues to chalk up more wins nationwide. Join us to discuss the candid...
Interested in running for office, but don't know where to start? Let Emerge America point you in the right direction during our Dare to Compete! training. Learn the basics on...
Connect with like-minded folks from across the state about building progressive policies and power in Georgia.
This may turn into a kvetching-fest, but that's OK. It's hard to be trans. Add to that a constant state of tension when our rights are under threat by a...
“Waking the Sleeping Giant: The Making of a Political Revolution” is the story of the attempt to build a 21st century progressive movement in the United States. Five remarkable individuals...
Film showcases present several films in one session by showing 10-15 minutes of each, then inviting a presenter from each film to participate in a moderated discussion. Democracy Through the...
“Tell Them We Are Rising: The Story of Historically Black Colleges and Universities” spans 170 years of American history. The 90-minute documentary film and multi-platform project by award-winning documentary filmmaker...
It’s seemingly nigh impossible to know what will and won’t hit when it comes to online shareable media, whether it be a tweeted meme graphic, a short want-so-badly-to-be-viral video or...