You’ve boosted a post here or there, dabbled in the Ads Manager, maybe even taken a peek into Power Editor once or twice, but now you’re looking to take your Facebook campaigns...
You’ve boosted a post here or there, dabbled in the Ads Manager, maybe even taken a peek into Power Editor once or twice, but now you’re looking to take your Facebook campaigns...
Come join the editors of Daily Kos Elections for an in-depth Q&A about the 2017 special elections, general elections, the 2018 midterm landscape, and everything in between. NO presentations, NO...
The importance of net neutrality cannot be understated, especially when it comes to the ability to build and grow our movement. Previously, coalitions made up largely of people of color helped guarantee...
Betsy DeVos went from being a relatively unknown Republican donor to the most unpopular member of Donald Trump’s cabinet. It didn’t happen on it’s own. A dedicated effort from educators,...
By making a few key changes to their donation form styling, calls to action and end-of-year pitches, some organizations were able to increase their revenue significantly. We'll look at real-life...
Trump was elected by flipping Midwestern states with appeals to working class voters on trade. Although congressional Democrats have led opposition to job-killing trade deals, these voters were...
One of the weapons corporations have used in the War on Workers has been to rob them of fair wages and benefits and the right to form a union by...
ArtUnited presents Visualizing Justice, a photo exhibition showcasing the work of Cindy Trinh, renowned NYC-based photographer, activist, and blogger. The exhibition offers a retrospective of frontline struggles from Black Lives...
How can we focus on resisting the regressive agenda of the Trump administration if we are pulled away from our efforts by worrisome student debt? Many advocates, bloggers, tech experts...
Your neighbors want you to run. Your friends and family want you to run. We want you to run! The progressive movement is investing real resources to make sure talented...