Interested in building a world where it’s really #TIMESUP for sexual harassment and violence in schools, the workplace, and beyond? Join the National Women’s Law Center, UltraViolet, Works in Progress,...
Interested in building a world where it’s really #TIMESUP for sexual harassment and violence in schools, the workplace, and beyond? Join the National Women’s Law Center, UltraViolet, Works in Progress,...
This spring saw a massive outpouring of teachers taking to the streets to advocate for better teacher pay, increased funding for schools, and an end to the diversion of funds...
1.4 million people in Florida are permanently excluded from voting because of a past felony conviction. Florida is one of only four states with a lifetime ban on voting. It’s...
What does building power for immigrants and communities of color look like in the era of Trump? We'll be talking about how to make our power count in the 2018...
Join us for a half-day workshop open to organizers of color who are using the internet to spread messages and amplify strategies. Good online organizing strategy includes safety and security...
Join us for a happy hour for movement resistance partners! Come meet Indivisible staff to celebrate a year and a half of resisting the Trump agenda. Progressives around the country are fighting back against the recent decision by the Federal Communications Commission to repeal net neutrality rules. In fact, some states have already passed laws...
The blue wave doesn't stop in 2018. With state elections in Mississippi, Louisiana, Kentucky, Virginia, & New Jersey as well as local elections across the country, 2019 will be a...
Need a quick pick-me-up? Come by the Town Square for coffee and pastries to get your day started.
Before heading to your next session, drop by the Town Square lounge for a mid-afternoon ice cream treat!