Netroots Nation 2019

Posted by | May 15, 2019
Going the Distance: Lessons from Winning the Largest Grassroots Campaign for Trans Rights

After years of sustained attacks in state legislatures and by the Trump Administration, trans-led campaigns decisively won trans rights at the ballot box in 2018 in Anchorage, Alaska (53-47%) and...

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Posted by | May 15, 2019
More than Words: Using the Language of Imagery to Mobilize

From Rep. Ocasio-Cortez’s iconic poster to the Sunrise Movement’s mediagenic expressions of urgency and discipline to the futurism of Black Panther going from theaters to the streets, visual strategy makes...

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Posted by | May 15, 2019
Motivating Young Voters of Color: Racism, Hate and other Factors in the 2018 Midterms

Young voters are eager to see racism undone, and they see electoral politics as a means of achieving this goal. Join us to hear about how a coalition came together...

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Posted by | May 15, 2019
Women Marched, Ran & Won: What’s Next? Women are the majority of consumers, educators, organizers, donors, and voters. So why do two Koch brothers still have more power than 166 million American women? Why are we...

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Posted by | May 15, 2019
How Women, People of Color, and Millennials are Reshaping Rural Politics

As we saw during the 2018 midterms, progressives still have a lot of work to do in small towns and rural communities. And with Donald Trump on the ballot in...

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Posted by | May 15, 2019
Relational Organizing Insights from the Field: Scaling for the 2019/2020 Cycle

If you're a progressive activist, you have likely heard about relational organizing—friends reaching out to friends to support a cause, organization or campaign. But what does it take to run...

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Posted by | May 15, 2019
Is it Time for a General Strike? "Start in the workplace and the politics will follow." When working people feel empowered at work, they are empowered in our democracy as well. As bold visions like Medicare...

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Posted by | May 15, 2019
Getting it Passed is Only the First Step: Enacting and Enforcing Local Labor Laws

The City of Philadelphia has made good strides in passing local labor laws that fill the gaps in worker protection that are unfilled by state and federal labor law. However,...

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Posted by | May 15, 2019
Addressing Sexual Harassment and Discrimination in Philadelphia Restaurants: A Case Study

What can we learn from examining sexual harassment in a celebrated restaurant scene thriving in a poverty-stricken city? With low wages, majority female workers, rampant wage theft, and a large...

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Posted by | May 15, 2019
Not Just for Presidential Candidates: Bringing the Power of Small-dollar Donors to the Local Level (Sponsored Panel) The 2018 elections made it clear that investing in small-dollar donors is more than a feel-good idea—it's a winning strategy. This is especially true in state and local races...

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