Netroots Nation 2019

Posted by | May 15, 2019
The Resistance is DIY: How Creative Rapid Response and Digital Media are Shaping Culture through Activism From the Daily Action app to shutting down streets in song and dance to DIY poster printing, get ready to uncover the ways in which creative and digital media...

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Posted by | May 15, 2019
#ProgressivesToo: Dealing with Sexual Violence in Our Movement

If Progressives hope to claim the moral authority to lead in taking on sexual harassment and assault, we cannot look the other way when it happens in the progressive movement....

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Posted by | May 15, 2019
Philly in Charge: How Community Coalitions are Transforming Power Here and Nationwide In the poorest big city in America, hundreds of thousands of people are separated by poverty, segregation, and many other forms of oppression. Community organizations that traditionally worked in...

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Posted by | May 15, 2019
Hijabi Power: The Badass Women Fighting Hate

Despite the global rise of Islamophobia, hijabi-wearing leaders like Linda Sarsour and Ilhan Omar have been fearless in their quest to create a more inclusive, representative democracy. Join us for...

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Posted by | May 15, 2019
Sparkle or Shade? Let’s Get Real About Inclusive Politics What does it look like to change our campaigns, organizations, coalitions, and institutions to center the people that are most impacted? What would it look like to remove barriers...

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Posted by | May 15, 2019
Diversity Doesn’t Just Happen: Here’s How to Work for It

Diversity is something we all want, but all to often when we look around the room progressive organizations and firms are coming up short. In this panel we'll break down...

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Posted by | May 15, 2019
Cripping the Movement: How Disability Inclusion Can Save Progressives Disabled people, both those with visible conditions and those with hidden ones (mental health, learning disabilities, chronic illness) are already within our movement. In this session, we'll discuss how...

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Posted by | May 15, 2019
Manager Confessions: Somehow We Manage

Progressives need to treat managing staff as a skill—the same way we do email, web development, organizing, and everything else. As progressive managers, we sit at a critical intersection of...

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Posted by | May 15, 2019
How We Fight Anti-semitism

These things are all true at the same time: anti-semitic violence is increasing in the U.S.; the Right is using antisemitism as a tool to retain power and destroy Black...

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Posted by | May 15, 2019
Why Winning = Running on Reproductive Justice For too long Democrats and the entire progressive movement have compromised on reproductive freedom believing discussion will doom most candidates. Since 2016 state, local and federal campaigns have proved...

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