Netroots Nation 2019

Posted by | May 15, 2019
After Cash Bail There is no place in our criminal justice system where money more clearly buys justice than bail. Unaffordable cash bail undermines the presumption of innocence, criminalizes poverty, and perpetuates...

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Posted by | May 15, 2019
The Double Down: Discussions of Black and Disability Identity There is a unique history between the disability and African American Community. Issues related to slavery, Jim Crow, and the modern prison industrial complex are linked with institutionalization, asylums,...

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Posted by | May 15, 2019
Prison Organizing Led by the Directly Impacted

Overwhelming research has exposed the massive human and economic costs imposed by life without parole sentences and the use of solitary confinement. The voices behind the numbers tell staggering stories...

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Posted by | May 15, 2019
New Sheriffs in Town: How Local Elections Can Help End Racist Mass Jailings and Deportations

Throughout U.S. history, county sheriffs have been at the forefront of police violence against people of color. As James Baldwin noted, the sheriff was "hired by the Republic to keep...

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Posted by | May 15, 2019
Keep that Same Energy: How We Build Power in Black and Brown Communities

Join us for a conversation between social justice advocates, influencers and millennials of color to unpack issues that are detrimentally impacting black and brown communities in 2019. We’ll discuss the...

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Posted by | May 15, 2019
Black People are Not a Monolith: Engaging and Organizing the Communities Within the Diaspora Progressive organizations have long maintained transactional relationships with communities of color that have further traumatized already marginalized communities. There is an immediate need to shift our strategies on the...

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Posted by | May 15, 2019
This All Used to be Chinatown: Building Grassroots Power

As Philadelphia becomes a more "desirable" place to live, we erase and push out the communities that have long called the city home. From the rapid gentrification in Chinatown to...

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Posted by | May 15, 2019
Moving Forward: Repealing the Muslim Ban for Good

2019 marks two years since the first Muslim Ban Executive Order was signed. Since then the ban has separated thousands of families, leading to tragic outcomes in some cases including...

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Posted by | May 15, 2019
Tearing Down Cages: How We Divest from the ICE Police State and Invest in Thriving Communities

The devastating human toll of immigration raids, detentions and deportations have gained long overdue attention in the Trump era. While immigration enforcement has grown dramatically under this administration, the concept...

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Posted by | May 15, 2019
Sanctuary Cities: From the Dirty Wars to the War against Immigrants and Black Bodies

What does a sanctuary movement, policy, and advocacy look at when it is grounded in liberation for us all? What are the challenges and pitfalls? This panel will delve into...

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