Netroots Nation 2019

Posted by | May 15, 2019
A Vision for Progressive Foreign Policy in the 2020 Elections and Beyond The U.S. is at a pivotal point regarding how the country sees itself and relates to other countries on the global stage. Trump's policies have invigorated social justice movements...

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Posted by | May 15, 2019
How Progressives Changed the Game on Yemen and How We Can Win on Foreign Policy

In 2015, Saudi Arabia and the UAE with the direct support of the United States, launched a military intervention into Yemen that has helped create the largest humanitarian crisis on...

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Posted by | May 15, 2019
Democracy Rising: How Florida Took on Felony Disenfranchisement and Won!

In a historic mid-term election in 2018, Florida residents voted in favor of state constitutional Amendment 4, which automatically restores voting rights to 1.6 million people with prior felony convictions....

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Posted by | May 15, 2019
Equality at the Ballot Box: Lessons from Standing Rock

Four people who were on the ground in North Dakota during the 2018 Midterm cycle will take a deep dive into their experience at Standing Rock and Turtle Mountain Indian...

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Posted by | May 15, 2019
Democracy is Dying: How Do We Right the Ship of Democracy?

No greater modern threat exists to modern American democracy than the administration of Donald Trump. Daily chips and cracks are evident in our democracy—suppression of the vote; appointments of lower...

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Posted by | May 15, 2019
State Legislatures: The Most Important Elections We’re Not Talking About State legislatures determine who can vote and who controls Congress for the next decade. In fact, the Republican state legislative victories of 2010 set the stage for today's politics....

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Posted by | May 15, 2019
Fighting ALEC’s Control of Lawmaking is a Fight Against Racism Visionary leadership has led to progressives taking decisive action against the years-long corporate, right-wing take over of government. In this effort there is no better focus than the American...

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Posted by | May 15, 2019
Young Women of Color Winning Elections

Young, elected women of color speak to the role that racism and sexism played throughout their campaigns. Each panelist will tell her story about personal and systemic challenges they faced...

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Posted by | May 15, 2019
The End of Gerrymandering: Drawing Fair Maps and Fighting Gerrymanders in Court

Gerrymandering is a critical threat to democracy that politicians have used to subvert the public will in countless elections. With the conservative majority on the Supreme Court increasingly hostile to...

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Posted by | May 15, 2019
Building the Bench: Racial Equity and Diversity at the State and Local Level The 2018 midterms swept in a welcome wave of diverse elected officials, especially at the state and local levels, which is the bench for future national leaders. But the...

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