Netroots Nation 2019

Posted by | May 15, 2019
How Primaries Build Power and Transform What is Possible Join campaigners who are supporting grassroots movements engaged in primary work across the country. Let's talk about some lessons learned in 2018 and talk through the opportunities we should...

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Posted by | May 15, 2019
Election Security is the Single Most Important Issue in Our Elections Today

What is the ultimate form of voter suppression? Not having your vote count. What did we learn from the 2016 election? We learned that the risk of election manipulation is...

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Posted by | May 15, 2019
Elections Q&A with Daily Kos Elections! Join the editors of Daily Kos Elections and some of our smartest colleagues in the business for an in-depth Q&A about all things election-related. Will Democrats hold the House...

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Posted by | May 15, 2019
Different Math: Candidates and Campaigns that Changed the Voter Landscape

In the 2018 election cycle, there were a record number of women candidates and candidates of color running for office from local to federal. Many built new coalitions out of...

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Posted by | May 15, 2019
New Tech City? Smart Cities, Tech-Driven Development and Creating the Communities We Want

The tech sector is expanding its influence over the built environments of our cities large and small and far beyond Silicon Valley with major implications for democracy, privacy, racial justice...

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Posted by | May 15, 2019
Building Collective Power Through a Coalition: How we beat Amazon in NYC

The Amazon HQ2 deal was stopped by a powerful movement of grassroots organizations and unions who organized and won against the wealthiest corporation in the world. Learn about the strategies...

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Posted by | May 15, 2019
Freeing Us From the Student Debt Trap This panel will explore the growing burden of student debt and student debt cancellation as a necessary counterpart to the tuition-free college movement. For decades, this country invested in...

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Posted by | May 15, 2019
Fix the Damn Healthcare: Sorting out ACA 2.0, MFA, Med4Am and More! The healthcare landscape is confusing and exciting in 2019. Reining in Big Pharma, strengthening the ACA, adding public options, "Medicare for America” or “Medicare for All”… the alphabet soup...

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Posted by | May 15, 2019
Black People Have the Answer to Reducing Gun Violence

Since Parkland, it has become clear that we need new, bold policy gun reforms and that survivors—many of them Black, Brown and Indigenous peoples—must have a seat at the table....

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Posted by | May 15, 2019
What Philly Taught Us: How Philadelphia Activists Beat School Privatization to Restore Local Control State control of Philadelphia's schools came to an end in November 2017. This was an historic event, long in the making by a resistance campaign led by Philadelphians. State...

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