Netroots Nation 2022

Posted by | June 13, 2022
Advanced Email Strategy, A to Z

Whether your community of supporters is five thousand or five million strong, email remains the most cost-effective and powerful channel at your disposal to inform and engage your base. The...

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Posted by | June 13, 2022
Storytelling Workshop for Content Creators

Have your fingers hardened into claws from typing the words "chip in before the deadline?" Have you written the same 250 words 250 times? Are you looking for a way...

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Posted by | June 13, 2022
Lights! Camera! How to Let Your Star Shine ⭐️on Camera!

The most compelling medium to get your message across is video. Whether on TV or online video, live or recorded, your star needs to shine. Will you know what to...

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Posted by | June 12, 2022
Dollars and Despots: Insecurity, Automation and Authoritarianism vs. UBI

The erosion of democracy and rise of support for authoritarianism cannot be disconnected from the rise of economic insecurity and inequality, alongside the increasing adoption of automating technologies and the...

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Posted by | June 10, 2022
Disinformation and the Vote: Defending the Ballot Box in a Post-Truth World

Activists who work to close the racial turnout gap fight disinformation on two fronts: they divert resources to counter false and misleading narratives that target their communities, and they seek...

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Posted by | June 10, 2022
Progressive Hope: Winning Back the Factory Towns That Made Trumpism Possible

Ever wonder why Wapello County, Iowa made a 20-point swing from Democratic to Republican in a single Presidental cycle? Or why traditional, blue collar or union communities that have been...

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Posted by | June 10, 2022
Dreams in Debt: How the Racial Wealth Gap Drives Student Lending

Students of color, and in particular Black students, tend to borrow student loans in higher amounts than their peers and borrow more frequently. This is the legacy of the historic...

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Posted by | June 10, 2022
Avoiding Past Mistakes: Lessons Learned in Virginia in 2021

What really happened in Virginia in 2021? What will progressives in other states learn from this panel that they can use in 2022 elections–especially down ballot? Hot takes abounded in...

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Posted by | June 10, 2022
Engaging Voters, Fighting Disinformation and Winning the Latinx Vote

From Arizona to Nevada, Wisconsin to Georgia, Latinx organizers were critical to driving the needed votes to deliver a decisive win for progressives in 2020. Pundits and many in the...

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Posted by | June 10, 2022
Can Democrats Speak to Black-specific Racial Issues and Win?

This panel will directly test the assumption that leading with and speaking explicitly and directly to black-only issues is a political liability for the Democratic establishment. Join us as we...

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