Session Type(s): Training
Training Tag(s): Media / Journalism / Blogging
Starts: Thursday, Jun. 7 3:00 PM (Eastern)
Ends: Thursday, Jun. 7 4:15 PM (Eastern)
So you have a blog, some social media profiles and can write decently, but now it’s time to use those tools to create quality content that engages readers and advances your cause. Starting with basic story-finding tools (RSS feeds, Google Alerts, etc.), we’ll talk about how to design attention-grabbing short and long-form blog posts that your readers can learn from and enjoy. Then we’ll learn research, photojournalism, interview and editing skills to add context and authority to your work. Finally, we’ll end with a hands-on assignment combining these skills to develop and share a breaking story from start to finish in a way that will get people discussing and sharing your work. This class is intended for intermediate bloggers who know the basics of blogging but desire additional training in journalism and electronic media to create polished work (wi-fi enabled laptops and Google Account required, cameras optional).
Daniel Villarreal has worked as an e-journalist for the last six years on such sites as,, and He has also taught about blogging, media literacy and creative writing at Austin College and Get Equal’s 3rd Annual Harvey Milk Day Conference.
Got an idea for a panel or training you’d like to see at Netroots Nation this summer? Our annual call for submissions will open February 10! Make sure you’re on our email list to get updates.