Starts: Thursday, Jun. 7 3:00 PM (Eastern)
Ends: Thursday, Jun. 7 4:15 PM (Eastern)
Films are an effective way to engage new audiences, communicate dynamic ideas and provoke conversation. See short segments of films that seek to influence the debate, learn about the work and share thoughts on impact, distribution, partnerships and the potential to turn reel action into real action. Line-up subject to change.
A Fierce Green Fire – The Battle For a Living Planet – From its 5 sold-out shows at the Sundance Film Festival to its standing ovation at the DC Environmental Film Festival, and other festivals around the world, FGF has galvanized and inspired audiences. It is the first big-picture exploration of the environmental movement – grassroots and global activism spanning 50 years from conservation to climate change. From halting dams in the Grand Canyon to battling 20,000 tons of toxic waste at Love Canal; from Greenpeace saving the whales to Chico Mendes and the rubbertappers saving the Amazon; from climate change to the promise of transforming our civilization, the film tells vivid stories about people fighting – and succeeding – against enormous odds. It will be an invaluable tool for organizing and education.
Just Do It aims to give all who partake or flirt with the idea of civil disobedience an accessible tool to infect and inform others. Our goal is to spark discussions in communities throughout the U.S. on the role direct action plays in effectuating real change on important social issues such as climate change. Our partners Greenpeace, Rising Tide North America, and Occupy have already championed screenings across the country – we hope that can use the film as a resource to: complement an existing event, serve as the catalyst for a new event such as a direct action camp workshop (similar to those depicted in the film), engage, educate and inspire your members to direct activism!
Just Do It aims to give all who partake or flirt with the idea of civil disobedience an accessible tool to infect and inform others.
Let us help you find your inner outlaw.
Vincent Who? – In 1982, at the height of anti-Japanese sentiments, Vincent Chin was murdered in Detroit by two white autoworkers who said, “it’s because of you mother** that we’re out of work.” When the judged fined the killers a mere $3,000 and three years probation, Asian Americans around the country galvanized for the first time to form a real community and movement. This documentary features interviews with the key players at the time, as well as a whole new generation of activists. “Vincent Who?” asks how far Asian Americans have come since then and how far we have yet to go.
Curtis Chin is an award-winning writer and producer who has written for ABC, NBC, Fox, the Disney Channel and more. As a community activist, he co-founded the Asian American Writers Workshop and Asian Pacific Americans for Progress. In 2008, he served on Barack Obama’s Asian American Leadership Council where he participated in helping the campaign reach out to the AAPI community. He has spoken at over 350 colleges and community groups throughout the US and abroad and appeared on MSNBC, CNN, NPR, Newsweek and other media outlet.
Cloee Cooper organizes with the Center for New Community to expose and resist nativism. Since 2010, she has worked with countless amazing people to find creative ways to both expose the roots of racism endemic to the anti-immigrant movement, and highlight the ways in which people subvert divisive bills and organize resistance. She worked with talented film-makers and organizers to produce the documentary films “A Look Inside SB1070”, “Bernard’s Story”, and “Undivided”.
Other sessions: Agitation and Inspiration: The Power of Art and Cultural Organizing
Nevette is a leading champion of grassroots and community outreach for independent films. She is the architect of national outreach campaigns and audience development for feature documentaries and social-cause narratives.
Her work also includes Festival event production, marketing and public relations, tailored to the needs of each project. Nevette has worked as senior management for some of the most exciting entertainment companies in New York and London including: IFC Films and Freud Communications-UK. In 2005, she launched her own company so she could fully commit herself to projects that she felt most passionate about.
Nevette has advised and/or presented for organizations such as, IFP, TEDX Cambridge, and the CineReach Fellowship Program and serves on the board of Media Voices for Children, the groundbreaking internet news agency for Children’s rights.
Marc N. Weiss is best known as the creator and first Executive Producer of P.O.V., the award-winning documentary series now preparing for its 25th season on PBS. He has been a leader in the independent film and media movement for 40 years, as a filmmaker, a journalist, an organizer, and as an innovator in the use of the Internet to engage people on social issues, first with P.O.V. Interactive in the mid-90’s and then with Web Lab, beginning in 1997. In 2011, Marc produced “When Strangers Click” with Robert Kenner and “Gun Fight” with Barbara Kopple, both for HBO.
Got an idea for a panel or training you’d like to see at Netroots Nation this summer? Our annual call for submissions will open February 10! Make sure you’re on our email list to get updates.