Session Type(s): Training
Starts: Thursday, Jun. 7 9:00 AM (Eastern)
Ends: Thursday, Jun. 7 10:15 AM (Eastern)
This training is designed to prepare participants to train others in identifying the most impactful aspects of their personal stories for the purpose of moving others to action. Participants will learn the fundamentals of the workshop, along with helpful facilitation tips.
Rosa González is a lifelong educator, a visual and performing artist and the Director of Education and Outreach at Green For All. Before joining the team at Green for All, Rosa was program lead for PILA (the Partnership for Immigrant Leadership and Action), where she helped link political education and community organizing. She designs curriculum and facilitates theater-based workshops and townhall meetings for critical community dialogue. Rosa is also a member of headRush, a political performance and popular education crew dedicated to inspiring working class communities through original performances and participatory workshops. Rosa has a Masters in Latin American Studies from Stanford University and a Masters in Teaching from the Arts in Education program at the University of San Francisco. In her spare time, she organizes with her neighbors in East Oakland to reclaim empty lots for urban gardening and community-building.
Julian works with people around the country who are putting government investment dollars to work on a local level to build the green economy. He trains local leaders to build the green economy from the ground up by serving as a lead trainer for the Green For All Fellowship program and College Ambassador program. He trains leaders with the tools they need to communicate the promise of the green economy and to engage disadvantaged communities in support of green jobs and climate protection strategies. He recently took a leave of absence from Green For All to take these trainings to Vietnam, South Africa and Uganda through the Million Person Project.
Got an idea for a panel or training you’d like to see at Netroots Nation this summer? Our annual call for submissions will open February 10! Make sure you’re on our email list to get updates.