Session Type(s): Panel
Starts: Friday, Jun. 21 7:30 PM (Eastern)
Ends: Friday, Jun. 21 8:45 PM (Eastern)
A Democratic president is proposing cuts to Social Security benefits. Some Democrats in Congress are sitting passively by, but bold progressive organizations and elected leaders are fighting back with strength. This panel will share some important political lessons and organizing lessons that are being learned by progressives during this fight. It will also explore how progressives are pivoting to offense – even proposing to expand Social Security benefits. Come hear behind-the-scenes stories and discussion about power, progressive organizing, and the Democratic Party. Due to commitments in his district, Rep. Grayson will join the panel via Skype.
Digby has been writing furiously about politics at her blog Hullabaloo since 2003. She plans to continue to do so.
Other sessions: You Get Paid to Do This? Tips for Supporting Your Blog through Advertising and Fundraising
Becky Bond is the president of the CREDO SuperPAC and the political director of CREDO Mobile. Becky has been at the forefront of the online to offline organizing movement since she joined CREDO in 2000, combining innovative technology, rapid response, measurable results, volunteer engagement and a passionate commitment to winning progressive victories. Organizing with CREDO, Becky has grown a community of 3 million activists who take action on issues ranging from defending choice to protecting net neutrality to fighting climate change and ending unjust wars. She also led the 2004 campaign to register one million anti-war citizens as well as the “Hell NO on 23” campaign, CREDO’s victorious 2010 effort to crush Texas oil and save California’s global warming law. Becky serves on the board of the New Organizing Institute.
Other sessions: What Political Consultants Don't Want Donors to Know: How to Win Elections with Data-driven Field Operations, Lessons from the Least Horrible Super PACs of 2012
Alan Grayson is a U.S. Representative from Florida and a candidate for U. S. Senate.
Adam Green is Co-Founder of the Progressive Change Campaign Committee, a grassroots organization with a million members that engages in electoral and issue advocacy work — with a focus on economic populism and democracy issues. For four years, he worked as Director of Strategic Campaigns and Civic Communications Director for Previously, Adam served as the Democratic National Committee’s press secretary in Oregon for the 2004 presidential campaign, communications director for the New Jersey Democratic Party in 2003, and press secretary for the top winning Democratic U.S. Senate race of 2002 in South Dakota. He has a B.A. from George Washington University and a law degree from University of Virginia — and is a frequent guest on MSNBC, C-SPAN, and other media outlets.
Congressman Takano represents California’s 41st District in the U.S. House of Representatives, representing the people of Riverside, Moreno Valley, Jurupa Valley and Perris.
He serves as a member on the House Veterans’ Affairs Committee as well as the House Education and Workforce Committee.
Other sessions: Community Colleges: The Best Kept Secret in America and Why they Need our Help
Got an idea for a panel or training you’d like to see at Netroots Nation this summer? Our annual call for submissions will open February 10! Make sure you’re on our email list to get updates.