Session Type(s): Training
Starts: Thursday, Jun. 20 6:00 PM (Eastern)
Ends: Thursday, Jun. 20 7:15 PM (Eastern)
Don’t be that person who’s all, “Well, I did X on this race and we won…” Sure, we may have been involved in politics for years but really, what the hell do we know about the science of persuasion, campaigns and voter participation? The bad news is: probably not much. The good news, however, is that we can help you understand what we do know, based on current political science research and experimentation, and most importantly what we don’t about what wins elections.
Regina Schwartz is the Deputy Director at the Analyst Institute. In her four years at the Analyst Institute, she has designed and implemented field experiments as well as conducted hundreds of trainings across the United States on scientifically-proven methods for increasing voter turnout and improving the effectiveness of political communication strategies. Prior to joining the Analyst Institute, Regina worked in the Washington Office of Congresswoman Gillibrand and was a field coordinator for the 2006 NY-20 Congressional election. Regina has experience with many other political organizations, including Rock the Vote, Dean for America, and Hillary Clinton’s Senate Office. Regina earned a BA in Social Studies from Harvard University, where she received Magna Cum Laude for her thesis entitled “Going Negative with America’s Youth: The Role of Negative Messaging in Attitude Formation.”
She was recently named a 2012 Rising Star by Campaigns & Elections magazine.
Other sessions: What Political Consultants Don't Want Donors to Know: How to Win Elections with Data-driven Field Operations, Beyond the A/B test: Using Social Science Theory to Get More from Your List
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