Session Type(s): Panel
Starts: Friday, Jul. 18 11:00 AM (Eastern)
Ends: Friday, Jul. 18 12:15 PM (Eastern)
This panel will discuss the current climate in Black feminist writing and activism, with specific attention paid to the role of digital media as tools for activism and collaboration.
Sex Positive writer/blogger and mental health Social Worker from New York City. Love & Sex Section Editor at Host of TWiB: After Dark podcast. Contributor to Salon, HuffPost Live. Former columnist for Public Speaker. Mom.
Other sessions: We Are ALL Women Caucus
Imani aka Angry Black Lady is a recovering attorney turned women’s rights activist and journalist. She is currently Senior Legal Analyst at RH Reality Check where she writes about reproductive rights and reproductive justice, develops policy resources related to federal and state anti-choice legislation, and co-hosts RJ Courtwatch, a legal podcast. She is the publisher of Angry Black Lady Chronicles (ABLC), which won the 2010 Black Weblog Award for Blog to Watch and the 2012 Black Weblog Award for Best Political/News Blog. She is also the co-host of This Week in Blackness Prime.
Her work has been featured at The, AlterNet, and she has appeared on various progressive radio talk shows and podcasts, including Alternet Radio Hour, Politics and Reality Radio, The Bob and Chez Show, and the Hal Sparks Radio Program.
Other sessions: AMTWiB w/ L. Joy Williams
Shafiqah Hudson is a feminist, critical race scholar, freelance author and citizen of the world, who has been featured in print publications such as ESSENCE magazine, and whose work has appeared in several online publications, most recently the Toast, xoJane, and Ebony Magazine Online. She lives in Philadelphia.
Mikki Kendall is a writer of creative nonfiction, fiction, and occasionally a tweeter of things that upset the status quo. Focusing largely on issues of race, community health, and representation in media her work can be found at Salon, XOJane, Essence, Ebony, NPR, and the Guardian among other outlets.
Writer. Misanthrope. Curmudgeon. Podcaster. One-fifth of One-half of Recovering journalist. Freelance writer whose work can be found at Salon, xoJane, and
Got an idea for a panel or training you’d like to see at Netroots Nation this summer? Our annual call for submissions will open February 10! Make sure you’re on our email list to get updates.