Session Type(s): Training
Starts: Friday, Jul. 18 3:00 PM (Eastern)
Ends: Friday, Jul. 18 4:15 PM (Eastern)
Most activists have projects they would love to do — but can’t, since they still need to pay the rent. This training will focus on how regular people can find money to sustain worthwhile projects, large and small, through crowdfunding, grants, and other creative means. It’s specially geared toward people working as independent media workers, but would also benefit those working at small nonprofits and progressive groups.
Caitlyn Adams has spent the last 4 years at Missouri Jobs with Justice. She has played a number of roles within the organization and is currently the Deputy Director. Caitlyn manages staff work planning, internal systems, and handles all of JwJ’s fund development and individual sustainability programs.
Caitlyn believes in the power of individual giving and the building it allows us to do within our base. We have to speak to our self interests and values in order to fund the work!
Caitlyn is from Kansas City, Missouri. She loves all the best things about her city: BBQ, Beer and Music (and CHIEFS)!
Before beginning her career in the labor movement, Sara Steffens was an award-winning daily newspaper reporter focused on covering homelessness and poverty. Steffens helped lead an effort to organize her newsroom in 2008, but was laid-off two weeks after the successful vote.
She went on to help found the freelance journalist unit at her home local, Pacific Media Workers Guild, and to create a popular series of journalism trainings and outreach programs.
These days, Steffens trains fellow union members in social media, and works on organizing, mobilizing and online outreach projects in California and around the nation. She is the acting secretary-treasurer of The Newspaper Guild-CWA.
Other sessions: Workers Organizing Online: What We've Learned and What We're Learning
Got an idea for a panel or training you’d like to see at Netroots Nation this summer? Our annual call for submissions will open February 10! Make sure you’re on our email list to get updates.