Starts: Saturday, Jul. 19 1:30 PM (Eastern)
Ends: Saturday, Jul. 19 2:45 PM (Eastern)
We invite all those interested in worker organizing and economic justice to take part in a celebration of our victories and deepen our commitment to collaboration across organizations. We will take time to share experiences in small groups on the tactics we have found most effective while utilizing digital tools.
Doug Foote is the Social Media and Campaign Associate at Working America, the Community Affiliate of the AFL-CIO.
Doug previously served with Senator Patty Murray, Rep. Carol Shea-Porter, Blue State Digital, and American Rights at Work. He has lead trainings and spoken about social media and mobile organizing for the AFL-CIO, AFT, AFGE, and the New Organizing Institute.
Other sessions: The Rise of Janet Yellen: Why the Fed Matters, and How Progressives Fought for the First Female Chair of the Federal Reserve
Trina Tocco, Organizer and Campaigner, Change to Win labor coalition, focused on integration of social media tools into union organizing campaigns; also serving as Walmart global campaign coordinator for UNI Global Union (a global union federation for retail and other sectors with affiliates in the US and around the world). Currently also convening an informal network of labor and allied organizations focused on advancing the role of social media to develop more effective winnable campaigns. Has worked at International Labor Rights Forum to support efforts of unions and organizations around the world in creating a global labor solidarity movement through joint campaigns and education of consumers in the US.
Got an idea for a panel or training you’d like to see at Netroots Nation this summer? Our annual call for submissions will open February 10! Make sure you’re on our email list to get updates.