Session Type(s): Panel
Starts: Friday, Jul. 17 4:45 PM (Eastern)
Ends: Friday, Jul. 17 6:00 PM (Eastern)
We often flaunt the number of impressions, Facebook likes and site visits we receive, but what does that actually mean for a campaign? This panel will address what occurs beyond vanity metrics—focusing instead on the very real impact a digital program can have on every piece of a campaign. From field to finance, how can your digital program strengthen each arm of your campaign? Digital is a value-add, not just a must do, and we’re going to talk about why. Panelists with experience working in each arm of a digital program can speak to the value of email, social media, advertising, design, data and analytics.
Kristin Brown is the Director of Digital Strategy with the League of Conservation Voters (LCV) — a national nonprofit dedicated to electing environmental champions and implementing polices that protect our climate.
Prior to joining LCV, Kristin was a Senior Account Executive at GYMR Public Relations, a DC-based health policy firm where she tried her best to convince people that President Obama would not kill their grandparents.
Kristin hails from the great state of North Carolina and is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin-Madison (go badgers!) She is not even remotely convinced that “dry heat” is a thing. It’s still 100+ degrees y’all.
Chris serves as Director of Engineering at AMG and leads development of AMG’s media optimization platform with a cross disciplinary team of fifteen engineers, analysts, and media experts.
Previously, he led the design and development of the Democratic Party’s state-of-the-art platform for reporting and visualization of media spending, polling, field and other critical campaign data for Obama for America, each of the party committees and other federal campaigns.
He also worked as a Fellow at the Social Security Administration, redesigning SSA architecture and software using modern technologies to increase efficiency and save hundreds of millions of dollars a year. Chris has a Master of Engineering in Computer Science and a BA in Computer Science and Political Science from Cornell University. Outside of politics and building cool stuff, he enjoys photography, kayaking, running, and traveling the globe.
Jenna Lowenstein is the Deputy Digital Director at Hillary for America, where she helps lead the team that is using technology, design, video, content, and yes, email to help elect the first female president of the United States.
Prior to joining the campaign, Jenna served as VP of Digital at EMILY’s List, Deputy Digital Director for the Democratic National Committee, and Deputy Digital Director for Terry McAuliffe’s successful campaign for governor of Virginia. She also held six or seven hundred different jobs at the social good start-up, where she helped grow a community of more than fifty million people worldwide who want to see change — and then connect them with the tools they need to make that change happen.
Jenna currently lives above a chocolate shop and a beer garden which, she admits, is peak Brooklyn.
Other sessions: New Models for Digital Organizing in 2016 and Beyond
Hilary Nachem serves as Digital Advisor for EMILY’s List, the nation’s largest financial resource for women running for office. It’s her second “tour of duty” with EMILY’s List and her second cycle in this role. As a member of the Federal & Gubernatorial Campaigns Team, Hilary acts as a consultant for women candidates and their teams. Prior to this, she served a similar capacity at FitzGibbon Media where she worked with progressive clients.
In 2012, Hilary served as New Media Director to then-Rep. Tammy Baldwin on her history making US Senate bid. Prior to her station in Wisconsin, Hilary ran list-building and social advocacy campaigns for EMILY’s List. She began her career in the office of Congresswoman Doris O. Matsui where she mastered the art of press clips.
Hilary is a graduate of the University of Maryland and a DC-transplant. Her sworn enemy is the two-space copywriter.
Other sessions: Building a Pipeline of Digital Talent
Daniel helps build and manage BPI’s testing and analytics tools through his work on the BPI Labs team. Before joining BPI, Daniel was the Director of Data and Modeling at the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, where his team managed the data and analytics that optimized Democratic House campaigns across the country. Prior to his work at the DCCC, Daniel was the Reporting Director at Obama for America, where he helped the campaign’s leadership evaluate organizing programs across the country, and worked on the construction and deployment of the campaign’s engagement tools. Outside of his work at BPI, Daniel is an avid supporter of the Arsenal Gunners, and a Fast and Furious enthusiast. He’s a proud Brooklyn native, and a Tufts University alum.
Got an idea for a panel or training you’d like to see at Netroots Nation this summer? Our annual call for submissions will open February 10! Make sure you’re on our email list to get updates.