Starts: Friday, Jul. 17 7:30 PM (Eastern)
Ends: Friday, Jul. 17 8:45 PM (Eastern)
The historic Net Neutrality victory in February 2015 was built on 10 years of organizing and the successful mobilization of earlier Internet-based campaigns, including the PIPA and SOPA victory of 2012 and the grassroots coalition organized in response to NSA surveillance revelations in 2013. The tens of millions of Internet freedom activists who engaged in the political process around these issues now form a powerful constituency.
The key question now is: “How do we translate the populist energy from successful Internet campaigns into real and lasting political power?”
Join us to talk about seizing on the momentum from recent victories and the power of Internet organizing to make the issues the Internet cares about most matter in 2016.
Craig Aaron is the president and CEO of Free Press (, a national, nonpartisan nonprofit group devoted to changing media and technology policy, promoting the public interest, and strengthening democracy. He speaks across the country on media, Internet and journalism issues. Craig is a frequent guest on TV and talk radio and is quoted often in the national press. His commentaries appear regularly in the The Huffington Post, and he has written for The Daily Beast, The Guardian, The Hill, Politico, The Progressive, the Seattle Times, Slate and many others. Before joining Free Press, he was an investigative reporter for Public Citizen’s Congress Watch and the managing editor of In These Times magazine. He is the editor of two books, Appeal to Reason: 25 Years of In These Times and Changing Media: Public Interest Policies for the Digital Age. Follow him on Twitter @notaaroncraig.
Other sessions: How the Web was Won: The Battle for Net Neutrality
Mary Alice Crim is the field director at the Free Press Action Fund. She directs their field efforts, led the campaign to stop the Comcast-Time Warner Cable merger, and participates in ongoing campaign and policy initiatives through outreach, organizing and public education activities. She also develops, plans, and runs events like the National Conference for Media Reform and leads the organization’s member-engagement work. Free Press Action Fund is national in scope and Mary Alice’s interest in supporting and sustaining media that serve the public interest extends to her work locally and drives her participation on the Northampton Community Television board of directors. She is also involved in shaping the burgeoning Western Massachusetts Media Justice Network. Mary Alice earned bachelor’s degrees in media studies and Spanish as well as a minor in women’s studies from Southern Connecticut State University.
Dutch joined Free Press/Free Press Action Fund in 2007 as office manager. After wearing many hats, they now oversee Web development, online advocacy and outreach, data analysis and content creation for and Dutch also manages the organization’s social media outreach. Perhaps one of the most helpful cynics you’ll meet, they can also be found hiking around Western Massachusetts, enjoying delicious IPAs and rooting for the Chicago Cubs.
Got an idea for a panel or training you’d like to see at Netroots Nation this summer? Our annual call for submissions will open February 10! Make sure you’re on our email list to get updates.