Session Type(s): Panel
Starts: Friday, Jul. 17 12:00 PM (Eastern)
Ends: Friday, Jul. 17 1:15 PM (Eastern)
Getting the Affordable Care Act up and running was a giant step forward—but it was only one step of many that still need to be taken. This panel will look at some of the key areas of focus for health advocates right now: insuring the undocumented, better meeting the needs of the LGBT community, continuing to close the gap for those not yet insured and other current activities focused on lowering costs and improving care quality. We’ll also discuss what the future may hold for the ACA on the heels of the King v. Burwell decision about tax subsidies by the U.S. Supreme Court (expected in June). In addition, we’ll look at ways ACA enrollment be used as a springboard for other organizing efforts, with examples from the field.
Amy Lynn Smith is a writer and communications strategist who specializes in healthcare and issue advocacy. She creates empowering, educational content that encourages people to be more engaged in their own health, wellness and decision-making — from the doctor’s office to the ballot box. Amy works with some of the leading names in healthcare and evidence-based information, such as Consumer Reports for the Choosing Wisely and High Value Care campaigns. She also writes frequently about healthcare, equality and social justice at Eclectablog and for clients including the ACLU of Michigan.
Kellan Baker is a Senior Fellow with the LGBT Research and Communications Project at American Progress, where his work includes improving data collection about LGBT populations, working with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services on a range of LGBT health policy priorities, and advancing LGBT issues internationally. Kellan holds a B.A. with high honors from Swarthmore College, as well as an M.P.H. in global public health policy and an M.A. in international development from George Washington University.
Paul Y. Song, M.D. is a board-certified radiation oncologist, biotech executive, and the Executive Chairman of the Courage Campaign, a leading California-based progressive organization made up of more than 900,000 members.
He has been a tireless advocate for universal healthcare and also serves as the co-chair for a Campaign for a Healthy California and on the board of Physicians for a National Health Program California (PNHP).
Dr. Song was named as the very first visiting fellow in the California Department of Insurance on healthcare policy for 2013.
He also serves on the boards of Liberty in North Korea and People for the American Way.
Anthony Wright has led Health Access California, the statewide health care consumer advocacy coalition, for over a decade. He works toward quality, affordable health care for all Californians, and a healthier California, and has led campaigns to win first-in-nation consumer protections and health reforms, investments in public health and prevention. Wright and Health Access has led the California campaign to pass the Affordable Care Act, and over two dozen bills to implement and improve the law in the last three years since passage.
He previously worked for New Jersey Citizen Action, the Center for Media Education, The Nation magazine, and Vice President Gore’s office. Born and bred in the Bronx, he lives in Davis, CA with his wife and 6-year old son, and two cats Patience and Fortitude.
Got an idea for a panel or training you’d like to see at Netroots Nation this summer? Our annual call for submissions will open February 10! Make sure you’re on our email list to get updates.