Session Type(s): Panel
Starts: Saturday, Jul. 16 10:00 AM (Eastern)
Ends: Saturday, Jul. 16 11:15 AM (Eastern)
This nation and, more importantly, our unions have always been uncomfortable when it comes to addressing racial inequalities in an honest and solution-oriented way. In this workshop, union leaders, educators and community organizers will present strategies on how to approach the conversation on race when interacting with different ideologies. Our unions are agents of change, and we should not be afraid of having tough dialogue. Some folks are in denial, many are tired, but everyone is still learning. This workshop will share the best tools and tips for how to lead your union and your community to addressing the sensitive and critical issue of racism in America.
Carmen Berkley currently serves as the Managing Director for Planned Parenthood Action Fund. Over 15 years of experience, Carmen has served as the President of the United States Student Association, Field Director at NAACP and Choice USA, Digital Strategist at AFSCME, Executive Director at the Generational Alliance, and most recently Director of Civil, Human and Women’s Rights at the AFL-CIO, where she led an effort to develop a racial justice and criminal justice platform for the labor movement, and la large scale effort to build the electoral capacity of people of color and women. Carmen is the a co-host and producer on WPFW FM, shes been seen as a political commentator on MTV and TVOne, and she is frequently quoted and writes for magazines and blogs. She is on the Board of Directors for Congressional Black Caucus Institute, Advocates for Youth and the League of Young Voters.
Other sessions: Economic Violence and the Black Jobs Crisis
Strategist, politico and coalition builder Gregory Cendana is the first openly gay and youngest-ever Executive Director of the Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance and Institute for Asian Pacific American Leadership & Advancement. He also serves as the Chair of National Council of Asian Pacific Americans, as Treasurer for the Labor Coalition for Community Action and is the youngest General Board member of the AFL-CIO. Gregory has been named one of Washington DC’s most influential 40-and-under young leaders, one of the 30 Most Influential Asian Americans Under 30 & the “Future of DC Politics”. Previously, he served as President of the United States Student Association (USSA), where he played an integral role in the passage of the Student Aid & Fiscal Responsibility Act and Healthcare & Education Reconciliation Act. In his spare time, Gregory enjoys singing karaoke, choreographing dances and trying to cook. Be a part of his journey by following him on twitter at @GregoryCendana.
Other sessions: Uniting and Mobilizing Communities of Color, Millennials and Working People in 2016 [Sponsored Panel], Moving Beyond Brogressives: Ensuring Economic Justice Includes Reproductive Justice, Model Minority Mutiny: Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders Center Our Racial Identities and Solidarities
Got an idea for a panel or training you’d like to see at Netroots Nation this summer? Our annual call for submissions will open February 10! Make sure you’re on our email list to get updates.