Session Type(s): Panel
Starts: Thursday, Jul. 14 3:30 PM (Eastern)
Ends: Thursday, Jul. 14 4:45 PM (Eastern)
News and entertainment media can act as a mirror to our understanding of abortion in the U.S. It It can also be a platform for moving society by generating programming that questions existing practices. We will explore how the media talks about abortion, from right-wing examples of abortion stigma to examples of media dismantling stigma and discussing it with authenticity and facts. Examining ways in which media can be used as a tool to shift stigma, we will highlight fresh efforts to tackle abortion stigma creatively through culture and art. We will share best practices on how to talk about abortion outside of the political paradigm and creative ways to reach new audiences whose support is critical for the longterm fights ahead. And we’ll touch on what things are being done to protect—and expand—access to abortion around the country.
Lauren serves as Communication Manager where she is leading new communication initiatives and enhancing the impact and reach of The Sea Change Program. She comes to Sea Change with a background in advocacy and journalism, working to enhance the health and rights of people around the world. Prior to the Sea Change Program, Lauren worked as Communications Manager at Women Deliver where she worked to create digital advocacy campaigns, brand recognition, facilitate leadership and networking opportunities, and aid in global conversations about the health, rights, and wellbeing of girls and women. She holds a Masters in International Affairs from Milano School of International Affairs, Management, and Urban Policy.
Rachel Tardiff is the Deputy Outreach Director at Media Matters for America. Rachel joined the Media Matters team in August 2015 after several years of political communications consulting, including media relations, online organizing, messaging development, and strategic writing for a host of progressive clients. A graduate of American University, Rachel worked to help pass California’s Domestic Workers Bill of Rights and the state’s recent landmark equal pay legislation, fought for fair wages for Capitol Hill food service workers, organized youth climate activists to block the Keystone Pipeline, and brought the stories of military rape survivors to Capitol Hill to push for unprecedented military policy change on the issue.
Got an idea for a panel or training you’d like to see at Netroots Nation this summer? Our annual call for submissions will open February 10! Make sure you’re on our email list to get updates.