Session Type(s): Training
Training Tag(s): Basic Online Organizing
Starts: Friday, Jul. 15 5:00 PM (Eastern)
Ends: Friday, Jul. 15 6:15 PM (Eastern)
Join us to identify common challenges in getting your supervisors and co-workers to help you be successful. We will discuss buy-in, managing up, “proof of concept,” peer-to-peer informal training and other ways of moving your co-workers from being obstacles to being facilitators. We’ll talk about how to elevate digital to equal footing with other departments and approaches and offer learning strategies that will help improve organization-wide data management practices. This training is aimed at people with digital responsibility inside organizations that may not be digitally native.
This training is for digital staffers working as the only digital staffer or within small digital teams inside organizations that are not digitally native. This training is for all skill levels and emphasizes the “soft skills” necessary to help persuade colleagues of the value of your work to the overall success of the organization.
Elana has lead trainings in digital strategy for nonprofits, unions and community organizations since 2006. Elana is Program Director at New Media Mentors, a project of Netroots Nation, leading digital strategy trainings online and off as well as trainings on integrating popular culture into campaigns.
She joins Netroots Nation’s staff after serving as digital director for labor unions and community based organizations and has lead trainings for over 4,000 progressives as co-founder of Organizing 2.0.
She has also worked at the intersection of popular culture and online organizing for over a decade connecting nonprofits with pop culture creators and fans and applying the lessons of storytelling to the fight for social and economic justice.
She hosts Graphic Policy Radio podcasts (“Where comics and politics meet”). Elana tweets about the labor movement, online organizing and superhero comics at @Elana_Brooklyn.
Other sessions: Pop! Goes the Hegemony: Activists Taking on the Entertainment Industry—and Winning
Got an idea for a panel or training you’d like to see at Netroots Nation this summer? Our annual call for submissions will open February 10! Make sure you’re on our email list to get updates.