Session Type(s): Panel
Starts: Friday, Aug. 11 2:30 PM (Eastern)
Ends: Friday, Aug. 11 3:45 PM (Eastern)
With the possibility of scandal and obstruction of justice looming, the undefeated Trump era winning political season continues to chalk up more wins nationwide.
Join us to discuss the candid conversation Progressives must have on race and social economic justice to finally bridge the gap between African-Americans, the LGBTQ community, Latinos and the White Working Class.
This panel is sponsored by CWA.
Angie Wells is a Senior Campaign Lead with the Communications Workers of America in Washington, D.C.
Prior to re-joining with CWA, Angie served as Senior Strategist and Organizer at Democracy Initiative in Washington and Senior Campaign Lead in North Carolina for the Communications Workers of America (CWA ) .
Angie has worked in two Texas gubernatorial administrations. First, at the Department of Labor and Standards in Governor Mark White’s administration and next with Governor Ann Richard’s administration as Ombudsman for the Texas Department of Commerce.
She has a Bachelor of Social Work degree from the University of Texas at Austin.
Cesar Leyva was born in the border town of Tijuana, Mexico and moved to San Diego, CA when he was 10 years old. His mother was a single parent working as a fast food worker, working long hours for very little pay while raising two boys. Cesar relocated to North Carolina in 2000 and began working at a telecom company. He joined the union on his first day of work and was able to witness first hand, unprecedented employee equality and the power of workers when they stick together. He quickly became a shop steward and later an officer in his local. He is proud to currently serve as North Carolina Senior Campaign Lead for the Communications Workers of America, where he works to raise the voice of organized labor in the broader social justice movement. His work includes mobilizing CWA members to be activists in North Carolina. Working together through community coalitions and other unions, his focus is on human rights, environmental issues, fair wages and organizing the south, among many others.
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