Session Type(s): Panel
Starts: Thursday, Aug. 10 2:30 PM (Eastern)
Ends: Thursday, Aug. 10 3:45 PM (Eastern)
As election results poured in on November 8, pundits predicted that Obamacare was toast. Republicans had been campaigning on repeal for 7 years and were now in total control. It seemed like an uphill battle to preserve critical health care for millions. And yet it took House Republicans roughly 5 months to pass their version of a repeal bill. Meet some of the activists who were in the trenches fighting and organizing against this health care bill and learn tangible, low-to-no-cost lessons you can apply to your campaigns starting tomorrow—from transparency, raising the voices of real people, creative risk-taking, effective messaging and data, mobilizing your activists offline, rapid response, video, and more.
Sarah Baron is the Campaign Director for Unrig Our Economy, a campaign to fix the rules of our economy to make it work for working people and fighting for working Americans and holding corporations, their wealthy executives, and the politicians who enable them accountable, and the Senior Campaigns Director of Economy Campaigns at the Hub Project. Previously, Sarah worked as the managing director of campaigns at Climate Power after dreaming big and fighting hard as deputy states director for Elizabeth Warren’s primary campaign. Before her stint in Boston, she was a national campaign strategist at the ACLU helping build their political and electoral team and the associate campaigns director at CAP Action, where she worked for 5 years.
Leah Greenberg is the co-founder and Co-Executive Director of Indivisible. She most recently served as Policy Director for the Tom Perriello for Governor of Virginia campaign. She previously managed human trafficking grants and programs as an Investments Manager for Humanity United, served as an Advisor to the State Department’s Quadrennial Diplomacy and Development Review, and worked on Capitol Hill for Congressman Tom Perriello (D-VA).
Other sessions: Standing Indivisible: How to Make Your Voice Heard in Congress
Reshma Mehta is the Social Media Director for AARP’s advocacy campaigns. She has spent over 10 years in the government and non-profit arena. In her current position, she directs AARP’s national advocacy social media program and helps manage grassroots messaging and tactics for AARP’s millions of activists, making sure elected officials know older Americans are a force to be reckoned with.
Got an idea for a panel or training you’d like to see at Netroots Nation this summer? Our annual call for submissions will open February 10! Make sure you’re on our email list to get updates.