Starts: Thursday, Aug. 10 10:30 AM (Eastern)
Ends: Thursday, Aug. 10 1:00 PM (Eastern)
When Don Siegelman was elected Governor of Alabama in 1998, he became the first person in the “Heart of Dixie” to have held all four of that state’s executive offices–a rare accomplishment for a liberal in a blood red Southern state. In election after election, Republicans simply couldn’t beat him at the polls because he drew supporters from across the political spectrum. So a group of frustrated Republicans quietly concocted a plan to “get rid of Siegelman,” as a whistleblower later stated. As the plan’s chief architect, Karl Rove, Jack Abramoff and other conspirators secretly orchestrated a strategy to railroad the Democratic governor into prison based on completely fabricated charges. To make false charges stick in federal court, Rove and his associates loaded the case with vindictive prosecutors and a corrupt hanging judge hell-bent on payback. The story of how they quietly got away with their evil scheme will make Watergate look like child’s play and leave viewers shocked, bewildered, and mad as hell. After the screening, Gov. Siegelman will speak and answer questions for the first time since his release from prison.
Don Siegelman is the former Governor of Alabama, as well as the Lt. Governor, Attorney General and Secretary of State – an extremely popular Democrat in a deep red state. Since certain rogue Republicans could not beat him fairly through the election process, a cadre of corrupt national and local GOP operatives put on a show trial and convicted him for “bribery.” The acts for which they convicted him are commonly & openly performed by politicians – including President Obama and President elect Trump – everyday.
However, Don Siegelman served as “America’s # One Political Prisoner” in the Federal Bureau of Prison until February 8, 2017 when he was released to home confinement through the Early Release program. He will be on probation until 8.9.2020.
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