Session Type(s): Training
Training Tag(s): Grassroots Activism & Campaigns
Starts: Saturday, Aug. 12 9:00 AM (Eastern)
Ends: Saturday, Aug. 12 10:15 AM (Eastern)
Want to make your Member of Congress listen to you? Hear from the co-founders of the Indivisible Project, who wrote the guide on how progressive groups can apply Tea Party tactics to stop Trump’s agenda in Congress. Learn what tactics are most effective, what your Member of Congress is most concerned about, and what you can do in both red and blue states to demand accountability and action from your representatives.
This training is for all audiences.
Leah Greenberg is the co-founder and Co-Executive Director of Indivisible. She most recently served as Policy Director for the Tom Perriello for Governor of Virginia campaign. She previously managed human trafficking grants and programs as an Investments Manager for Humanity United, served as an Advisor to the State Department’s Quadrennial Diplomacy and Development Review, and worked on Capitol Hill for Congressman Tom Perriello (D-VA).
Other sessions: How Grassroots Activists Slowed Down the “Inevitability” of ACA Repeal
Ezra Levin is the co-founder and Co-Executive Director of Indivisible. Previously, Ezra worked as a poverty policy wonk and advocate. He served as Prosperity Now’s Associate Director of Federal Policy, Deputy Policy Director for Congressman Lloyd Doggett, Field Director for Doggett’s 2010 campaign, and an AmeriCorps VISTA in the Homeless Services Division of the San Jose Housing Department. He holds a Bachelor of Arts from Carleton College and a Master in Public Affairs from Princeton University.
Other sessions: Making Congress Listen: How to Transform Trump Anger and Movement Energy into Victories on Capitol Hill
Got an idea for a panel or training you’d like to see at Netroots Nation this summer? Our annual call for submissions will open February 10! Make sure you’re on our email list to get updates.