Starts: Thursday, Jul. 11 12:00 PM (Eastern)
Ends: Thursday, Jul. 11 1:00 PM (Eastern)
Join Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders from across the country to learn about some of the great work being done in AAPI movement and in shifting the progressive political narrative within the community. We’ll make friendships, celebrate our successes, and host a critical dialogue on the digital narrative shift needed for AAPIs leading up to 2020. Be prepared to share. The caucus will be hosted by the team at 18 Million Rising. This is a closed caucus.
Tanzila “Taz” Ahmed is a political strategist, storyteller, and artist based in Los Angeles. She creates at the intersection of counternarratives and culture-shifting as a South Asian American Muslim 2nd-gen woman. She’s turned out over 500,000 Asian American voters, recorded her #GoodMuslimBadMuslim podcast at the White House and makes #MuslimVDay cards annually. Her essays are published in the anthologies Pretty Bitches, Whiter, Good Girls Marry Doctors, Love Inshallah, and numerous online publications. In Spring 2019 she was UCLA’s Activist-in-Residence at the Institute on Inequality and Democracy and in 2016 received an award from President Obama’s White House as a Champion of Change in Art and Storytelling.
Other sessions: Align Left: Why Designers are Integral to the Resistance
Laura Li is a Campaigner at, a digital first Asian American advocacy organization, where she develops and executes its issue campaigns grounded in local organizing and stories from the margins. She has worked on campaigns ranging from unjust deportation and surveillance to media justice and pop culture, and has spoken about her work on Capitol Hill. Her previous work in teaching and research on race relations within the Asian Diaspora has led her to speak at U.S. and Brazilian universities.
Other sessions: This All Used to be Chinatown: Building Grassroots Power, Building Community Power: Media-Based Organizing as Resistance
Got an idea for a panel or training you’d like to see at Netroots Nation this summer? Our annual call for submissions will open February 10! Make sure you’re on our email list to get updates.