Starts: Thursday, Jul. 11 12:00 PM (Eastern)
Ends: Thursday, Jul. 11 1:00 PM (Eastern)
Join tribal members from across the country to talk about advancing Native political leadership and increasing our presence in spaces like Netroots Nation.
This is a closed caucus.
Neeta Lind (Diné) is the Director of Community at Daily Kos, a position she has held since 2013. Neeta is responsible for developing projects to maximize the political effectiveness of our most valuable resource, the Daily Kos Community. She promotes the participation of Daily Kos users by creating and supervising various communities and community activities in order to build their engagement and participation on and offline.
Neeta is an enrolled member of the Navajo (Diné) Nation. She has been interested and involved in Indigenous issues and progressive politics for many years. She has been active at Daily Kos since 2004 and has attended every Yearly Kos/Netroots Nation annual meeting since they began in 2006.
She has led the American Indian Caucus at Netroots Nation nearly every year since 2006 and she is the co-editor of First Nations News & Views at Daily Kos.
As North Dakota’s Native Vote director, Prairie Rose works around the country with the Native American Leadership Program, with Wellstone Action to train and empower leaders, activists, campaign workers, and those seeking elected office.
Prairie Rose has served as a District 45 delegate to the North Dakota Democratic Convention since 2008 and as the Native American liaison to the DEM-NPL Executive Committee. In 2010 she ran for State Representative in North Dakota’s 45th legislative district.
Prairie Rose believes in and emphasizes the interconnected nature of humanity and faith and the responsibility we all have to ensuring social accountability in communities of respect and opportunity – an understanding that lies at the core of her being. She brings her personal experience, as well as the perspectives of a wide range of social thinkers to her work, and believes that knowing personal truth, and building relationships based on values is fundamental to change work.
Other sessions: Indigenous Voices Rising in the Progressive Landscape
Got an idea for a panel or training you’d like to see at Netroots Nation this summer? Our annual call for submissions will open February 10! Make sure you’re on our email list to get updates.