Session Type(s): Panel
Starts: Saturday, Aug. 15 4:00 PM (Eastern)
Ends: Saturday, Aug. 15 4:50 PM (Eastern)
Anti-abortion extremists have enormously influenced how Americans talk about abortions later in pregnancy. Manipulative, inaccurate terms like partial-birth abortion distort how even pro-choice progressives perceive the procedure, creating ambivalence and even support for restrictions that have a devastating impact on those seeking this care, particularly poor women and people of color. With abortion bans sweeping across states and the most significant abortion case soon to be decided by the Kavanaugh Supreme Court, 2020 is a critical moment to examine what later abortion is, what the impact of barriers to care have on patients, and how we can most effectively fight for access for all.
Gena Ozols currently works on Latinx community civic engagement as the Field Director at COLOR, Colorado’s only Reproductive Justice organization. Gena started her political career with The White House Project- an internship that would be the first of many positions advocating for women in politics where she has supported women candidates on the board of Emerge, and led on Reproductive Rights policy as the former Political Director for NARAL Colorado. In just under a decade of time, Gena has managed successful races up and down the ballot from Denver School Board to one of the top targeted State Senate races in the country and delivered that district in record high numbers. Born in California her family relocated to Aurora Colorado at a young age, but she counts herself as a stereotypical Coloradoan who loves her rescue mutt Dingo, craft beer and long days spent hiking the Rockies.
Karla is the policy director for the Colorado Organization for Latina Opportunity and Reproductive Rights (COLOR). Since moving to the U.S from Peru, Karla has focused on outreach and engagement with immigrant communities, advocacy for and with survivors of sexual assault and domestic violence, education and advocacy for sexual and reproductive health, and advancing reproductive justice policy. Karla was recently appointed to the Colorado’s Governor “Health Care Cost Analysis Task Force” where she will be working towards the creation of a state public option. Karla earned her MA in Ethnic Studies with Women and Gender Studies in 2016 from Colorado State University where she developed a strong foundation in research, skills and knowledge to advance a decolonial, multiracial, transnational feminist, and human rights centered framework.
Dr. Warren M. Hern is a physician and epidemiologist whose clinical specialty is outpatient abortion services. Dr. Hern was the founding Medical Director of the first private, non-profit outpatient abortion clinic in Colorado in 1973. He established his private medical practice, Boulder Abortion Clinic, P.C., on January 22, 1975, the second anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision. Over the past 45 years, Dr. Hern and his staff have helped tens of thousands of women from Colorado, the United States, and other countries. Dr. Hern has pioneered in developing safe techniques and protocols for second trimester and later abortions. Many women seek these services due to severe medical problems affecting a desired pregnancy, but others are victims of rape, incest, and other forms of abuse. Yet others face catastrophic medical, social, and economic problems resulting from delayed access to safe abortion at earlier stages of pregnancy. Dr. Hern firmly believes that safe abortion is a fundamental component of women’s health care in the 21st century and that there are no medical, legal, public health, or other justifications for restrictions on women’s access to safe abortion care.
Justine Sandoval is the Statewide Engagement Manager for Cobalt (formerly NARAL Pro-Choice Colorado). For the past six years her work has focused on community engagement and activism to advance reproductive healthcare policy and abortion access in Colorado. A multi-generational Coloradoan, raised on the Northside of Denver, Justine has been a longtime community activist working to ensure fair and equitable treatment for all Coloradans. Justine has over fifteen years experience working on numerous campaigns and progressive issues throughout the state. She also serves as the current board President of the Denver Young Democrats.
Lauren Smith is the Issue Campaigns Manager for New Era Colorado. Starting out as an organizing intern in 2017, she fell in love with grassroots organizing and never looked back. Since then she has organized on college campuses across the state to de-stigmatize abortion and empower young people to have their voices heard. She is passionate about the power of young people in our democracy as well as fighting for racial and reproductive justice.
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