Session Type(s): Panel
Starts: Friday, Oct. 8 3:45 PM (Eastern)
Ends: Friday, Oct. 8 4:45 PM (Eastern)
New York is closer than any state to passing legislation for universal single-payer healthcare. This is largely due to coordinated, intentional and sustained statewide basebuilding paired with consistent gains for progressives winning elected office. We’ll examine the campaign for universal single-payer healthcare in New York and nationally, discuss what is working and what needs improvement — and propose a path forward for building power to win this core progressive political demand.
Ben works with Partners for Dignity & Rights to support grassroots campaigns for racial and economic justice, focusing especially on campaigns for universal, publicly financed healthcare and efforts to forge a new social contract. Before joining Partners for Dignity & Rights, Ben planned a conference on grassroots community organizing, conducted worker-led labor research, supported community development organizations, and ran an international volunteer program, a fellowship program for young people of color and a day camp. He has worked with the Urban Justice Center, Center for Urban Pedagogy, Hester Street Collaborative, Food Chain Workers Alliance, Restaurant Opportunities Center-United, DataCenter, Interpretive Media Laboratory, Local Initiatives Support Corporation, Yayasan Dian Desa (an Indonesian appropriate technology organization), and an Ecuadorian shelter for street children. Ben has published work in In These Times, Jacobin, the Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics, the Law & Political Economy Project Blog, Nonprofit Quarterly, and The Progressive, and holds a Masters of Urban and Regional Planning from UCLA and a B.A. in Urban Studies from Stanford University.
YuLing Koh Hsu uses she or they pronouns and lives on Canarsie and Munsee Lenape land colonized as Brooklyn NYC. She is a Taiwanese-American daughter of immigrants born and raised in Cleveland, OH. She came to New York for college, worked in newspapers, helped grow the Momofuku restaurant empire, and arranged flowers at the White House. In 2016, she became radicalized around single-payer healthcare as a racial and economic justice issue. She became Interim Executive Director and then Director of Special Projects for Physicians for a National Health Program – NY Metro. She is currently Co-Director of the Campaign for NY Health and is on the Coordinating Committee of the New York State Poor People’s Campaign.
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