Session Type(s): Panel
Starts: Friday, Aug. 19 11:00 AM (Eastern)
Ends: Friday, Aug. 19 12:00 PM (Eastern)
In the last four years, Navigator Research has sought to understand how to craft an economic argument that resonates with a Americans while also dismantling the false conservative economic narrative centered around lower taxes, smaller government, and less regulation. What lessons can progressives learn from public opinion research to guide them towards a winning economic message? What language resonates most with Americans on the economy, and what falls flat? Pollsters, experts, and strategists will provide practical examples of how data can determine progressive economic messaging.
Rachael Russell is the Senior Manager, Polling & Analytics for Navigator Research, a coalition of progressive pollsters working to provide polling on the most pressing issues of the moment, including developing and distributing winning progressive messages to make and win key policy arguments. Prior to joining the Navigator Research team, Rachael worked in targeting and data analytics for the National Domestic Workers Alliance, the Pivot Group, and the Mike Bloomberg campaign.
Isaiah Bailey is a Political Science Ph.D. student at the University of California – Los Angeles, whose research interests revolve around ideology and identity, Black politics, and political communication. Isaiah has spearheaded public opinion projects in a variety of settings, including the Ann Arbor Ecology Center, the Tennessee Department of Education, Groundwork Collaborative, and the Hub Project. He currently serves as a Senior Fellow to the Navigator Research project—a regular investigation into public opinion of the country’s top political news stories.
Sarah Baron is the Campaign Director for Unrig Our Economy, a campaign to fix the rules of our economy to make it work for working people and fighting for working Americans and holding corporations, their wealthy executives, and the politicians who enable them accountable, and the Senior Campaigns Director of Economy Campaigns at the Hub Project. Previously, Sarah worked as the managing director of campaigns at Climate Power after dreaming big and fighting hard as deputy states director for Elizabeth Warren’s primary campaign. Before her stint in Boston, she was a national campaign strategist at the ACLU helping build their political and electoral team and the associate campaigns director at CAP Action, where she worked for 5 years.
President & founder of Momentum Analysis, a Democratic public opinion research firm in Washington, DC. Clients have included the DNC, the DCCC, EMILY’s List, Members of Congress, non-profits, labor unions, & campaigns from City Council to US Senate. An award-winning pollster, named both a “Mover and Shaker” by Campaigns & Elections magazine, and one of “50 Politicos to Watch” by Politico. Founded Working Women for Virginia, the only organization to run television advertising against now Governor McDonnell’s extreme views on women.
Work as a Post blogger has appeared on Hardball, in ABC’s The Note, the Washington Post, and in comments on political trends, and appears regularly on television, radio, and in print, including election-night coverage for networks around the world.
Got an idea for a panel or training you’d like to see at Netroots Nation this summer? Our annual call for submissions will open February 10! Make sure you’re on our email list to get updates.