Session Type(s): Special Event
Starts: Friday, Jul. 14 5:30 PM (Central)
Ends: Friday, Jul. 14 7:30 PM (Central)
Room: International Ballroom
It all began in Chicago in 2007, as an energized crowd waited for a beloved former Vermont Governor to complete his keynote so that everyone could boo Mother Teresa, or at least that’s how the New York Times initially reported it. It has changed little since those august (and August) days — form teams of 6-10 to answer trivia questions on politics, history, pop culture and Americana. There will be silliness, merriment, costumes, and bonhomie — because that’s the Chicago Way … unless you switched the samples, didn’t you, or my name isn’t Abe Froman, Sausage King of Chicago.
Adam extensively represents clients in campaign finance, election law, pay-to-play, and lobbying compliance matters and has been a leader in efforts on behalf of the rights of online speakers His practice today focuses on the representation of a variety of elected officials and candidates for office, as well as corporate, labor, and other politically active entities on federal, state and municipal campaign finance, election law and regulatory compliance matters, including pay-to-play law and the regulation of lobbying activities.
Adam is the former Chairman of the Board of Directors of Netroots Nation. He lives in Philadelphia.
Got an idea for a panel or training you’d like to see at Netroots Nation this summer? Our annual call for submissions will open February 10! Make sure you’re on our email list to get updates.