Session Type(s): Caucus
Starts: Saturday, Jul. 15 11:45 AM (Central)
Ends: Saturday, Jul. 15 12:45 PM (Central)
Room: Salon C-1
Public schools are under attack like never before by a highly coordinated and well-funded campaign conducted by the most powerful rightwing organizations. Come to this year’s Education Caucus to tell us what’s going on in your community, hear what’s happening elsewhere, and share ideas for how progressives can fight back and win.
I am a marketing and communications strategist with nearly 30 years of experience – the past 20+ on my own as a freelance writer, advocacy journalist, and consultant. My award-winning advocacy work routinely appears in prominent news outlets including, Salon, Alternet, and The Washington Post. In commercial and fundraising ventures, my work has produced millions of dollars in sales and funds raised for clients, who range from prestigious nonprofit organizations, such as the National Geographic Society and Doctors Without Borders, to Fortune 500 companies such as Kimberley-Clark and Xerox.
Other sessions: What’s Behind the Politics of ‘School Choice’?
Got an idea for a panel or training you’d like to see at Netroots Nation this summer? Our annual call for submissions will open February 10! Make sure you’re on our email list to get updates.