Poverty isn’t what the statistics say. Poverty is the lived experience of real people in America—the almost 8 out of 10 of us who live paycheck to paycheck. But... Poverty isn’t what the statistics say. Poverty is the lived experience of real people in America—the almost 8 out of 10 of us who live paycheck to paycheck. But... Over the last five years, America has seen a massive pushback against the harsh, incarcerative policies of recent decades that have sent more than 2 million people to jail... Hip Hop Caucus is bringing a live-production of their award-winning storytelling platform, “Think 100%: The Coolest Show on Climate Change,” to Netroots Nation. Show hosts Antonique Smith and Rev... The Trump administration has leveled an unprecedented attack on the decennial census in a thinly veiled attempt to discourage communities of color and immigrants from participating. The Census Bureau... The Poor People's Campaign is innovating a new model of fusion organizing. This panel will explore the campaign's focus on state legislatures, on reclaiming the use of moral language,... Just as newly elected officials have reshaped Congress, movement leaders like Yvette Simpson (Democracy for America), Maurice Mitchell (Working Families Party), Karundi Williams (re:power) and Nina Turner (Our Revolution)... Progressives around the country are fighting back against the recent decision by the Federal Communications Commission to repeal net neutrality rules. In fact, some states have already passed laws... Within days of the Trump administration taking office, Democratic leaders in blue states promised a wall of resistance to block the chaos coming out of Washington. Governors and other...
Government violence against communities of color is rising to match the Trump administration’s rhetoric of racial fear-mongering. These outrages pose, at once, severe human rights challenges, and also, strategic cover...
Women candidates encounter a myriad of obstacles to running for office that their men counterparts rarely face. Yet LGBTQ women candidates face the additional challenges of homophobia and transphobia—not to...