The far right has a clear and powerful vision for the future of our country and of Michigan. Do we? For decades, the 1% has been advancing a long-term agenda...
The far right has a clear and powerful vision for the future of our country and of Michigan. Do we? For decades, the 1% has been advancing a long-term agenda...
A convergence of activists, social media companies, and victims of hate are collaborating to figure out the best way to protect communities from vitriol that turns from hate speech to...
Sharing stories can strengthen personal bonds, help people feel less alone, and generate social respect for a range of experiences. But sharing stories can also come with great personal and...
This year we're fighting for voting rights on both the federal and local levels. A new bill updating the VRA is moving through Congress, and states are working locally to...
In spite of the perceived progress made by the repeal of Don't Ask Don't Tell (DADT), the military's transgender service members are forced to continue to serve in silence. When...
A recently launched campaign in Europe calls on individuals to "vote for [their] digital rights." However, no such movement has caught on in the United States, despite the upcoming election...
Duncan Black has successfully brought the case for expanding Social Security from the progressive blogosphere to the pages of USA Today. Duncan explains how he has flipped the austerity script—and...
The Iraq war, and the progressive movement that rose up to oppose and end it, was a watershed moment in American history. The Iraq experience, its far-reaching costs and consequences,...
A Democratic president is proposing cuts to Social Security benefits. Some Democrats in Congress are sitting passively by, but bold progressive organizations and elected leaders are fighting back with strength....
This session will focus on strategies and tactics by groups and individuals working to expose ALEC. It will include new angles to our corporate campaign, new tactics in our outreach...