When you can't come to Pub Quiz, Pub Quiz comes to you. For the n+1th consecutive year, we'll abandon our unity and camaraderie for a few festive hours of team...
When you can't come to Pub Quiz, Pub Quiz comes to you. For the n+1th consecutive year, we'll abandon our unity and camaraderie for a few festive hours of team...
Pass the iPad to your kiddos so they can log on for Progressive Storytime. While you get ready for a day full of sessions, your little one(s) can enjoy a...
“The Daily Show” co-creator Lizz Winstead is back at Netroots for a special sneek peak of her no-holds-barred feminist comedy talk show, Feminist Buzzkills Live! which officially launches Thursday, November...
Black Male Voter Project presents Netroots Nation Turnup with DJ Tank Beats! Join us from 9:30pm to 12:30am Eastern time. RSVP is required. Click here to RSVP.
In honor of Black Women's Equal Pay Day, join Equal Pay Today, A Project of Equal Rights Advocates, Equal Rights Advocates and One Fair Wage for a free live conversation about race, economic...
Need a break to regroup and recenter? Join us for a mid-day mindfulness moment to reset after the morning sessions and stay grounded headed into the rest of the day.
Need a break to regroup and recenter? Join us for a mid-day mindfulness moment to reset after the morning sessions and stay grounded headed into the rest of the day.
Need a break to regroup and recenter? Join us for a mid-day mindfulness moment to reset after the morning sessions and stay grounded headed into the rest of the day.
Join progressive movers, shakers, and shockers for an interactive session full of dance, videos, and spoken word as we learn about bold ideas for social change in action and how...
Want to log in and see how everything works so you can hit the ground running on Thursday? Drop in to test out the two main event technologies we are...