If you’re seeking an accessible way to prepare to run for office (and win!), 90 Days of Action offers a proven curriculum that has empowered thousands of women to earn...
If you’re seeking an accessible way to prepare to run for office (and win!), 90 Days of Action offers a proven curriculum that has empowered thousands of women to earn...
Whether your community of supporters is five thousand or five million strong, email remains by far the most cost-effective and powerful digital channel at your disposal to inform and engage...
Changes in online users’ search patterns, privacy updates, and the evolving social media landscape are making current marketing solutions like ads, search engine optimization, and influencer marketing increasingly expensive and...
What if you could use your data to better inform your creative campaigns? Content is most impactful when its strategy is built around a deep understanding of your audience. But,...
As both progressive & regressive movements have shown, we only win by strategically (re)claiming, deploying and making common our narrative of both problem and solution. Arguably, progressive movements don't always...
"If you're comfortable while you're doin' it, you're probably doin' it wrong." If you scoured every Ted Lasso episode for lessons on management, this session is for you. Experienced managers...
In 2020, every facet of U.S. life changed and organizers were forced to take their offline efforts online. Three years later, where have things landed? In this session we'll follow...
Prioritizing accessibility is critical to addressing ableism in both our advocacy and the systems we are working to change. People with disabilities make up 1 of 4 adults in the...
Learn how to utilize social media in a strategic, effective and not cringey way. How does one communicate and more importantly, garner engagement on platforms on Instagram vs Twitter? Is...
Who is texting me? Are they even human? Does it matter? Sure, texting is fast, efficient and cost-effective, but who is on the other end? Join us to learn how...