You've heard the stories about sexual harassment and #MeToo, and maybe had it happen to you. And you're hearing more about toxic workplaces in political campaigns, nonprofit organizations, and other...
You've heard the stories about sexual harassment and #MeToo, and maybe had it happen to you. And you're hearing more about toxic workplaces in political campaigns, nonprofit organizations, and other...
“I know what is expected of me.” “Someone at work encourages my development.” “My manager seems to care about me.” If your team were to answer these questions today, what...
2020 is closer than you think! If you’re a nonprofit public charity and want to make an impact during election year, you should check out this training. We’ll go over...
Don't be scared, be prepared! Hackers, trolls, and fake news bots are targeting progressive and Democratic organizations more than ever before. What can you do to protect yourself? What should...
The lack of adequate funding is a chronic condition in the progressive space, and one that is unlikely to be cured anytime soon. But we're not going to let a...
Ransomware. Viruses. Data breaches. Phishing emails. Website defacement. Ad network hijacking. Mobile number theft. DNS poisoning. These are just some of the cyber threats that every progressive organizer, campaign and...
Digital media is great—except when it’s completely overwhelming. From tweetchats to Facebook lives, AMAs to twitterstorms, the menu of options you can pull from when laying out your digital strategy...
This panel will offer suggestions about metric driven campaigns to better help organizers grasp the historical and contemporary ways that data can exploit black, indigenous and low-income communities. Data can...
Have you ever wondered how to get news coverage on a topic or campaign you're driving in your community? How to build press-worthy events? Looking to share and expand your...
Crisis communications is usually viewed as responding to negative events, but the same principles apply to situations you can leverage to advance your cause. Progressive advocates and candidates can expect...