Activists are changing their cities for the better at the ballot box. You can petition in your city to increase worker rights, liberalize marijuana policy, influence criminal justice policy, and...
Activists are changing their cities for the better at the ballot box. You can petition in your city to increase worker rights, liberalize marijuana policy, influence criminal justice policy, and...
VoterCircle is a powerful and easy to use friend-to-friend outreach platform that enables your supporters to leverage their personal relationships to benefit your organization or campaign. Join us and learn how...
Improving your fundraising is critical, whether you're running a small grassroots campaign or running for office. Our exercise-based curriculum will help you learn hands-on how to research donors and ask...
>ActBlue is a tool used extensively throughout the political world, but it is also available for 501 c4s and 501 c3s! In this training, we'll help nonprofits explore the tools...
If you're fired up, motivated, and ready to step up and run for office but aren't sure where or how to start, this training is for you. Based on our...
We know that many of the biggest upcoming electoral fights—with the highest stakes—will be fought on the local level. The question is, how can we bring our community's tools and...
Running for local and state office in deep red territory is one of the most powerful things you can do to change your state and the nation. Forget everything you...
Come to this training and learn best practices for running an effective email program for your non-profit or campaign, as well as best practices for writing advocacy and donation emails....
Have you ever wondered why we notice some things but not others? What stopped your scrolling through the timeline and take notice? Learn how artists throughout history have taken advantage...
During the 2016 presidential campaign and since the election, harassment and violence across the country—both in physical spaces and online—has increased. Online harassment of people of color, religious minorities, women,...