
Posted by | May 27, 2015
Master Class: Facebook Ads

The Master Class program is focused on the specific tools that organizers use every day, and helping intermediate users become efficient, effective power users. Feel free to bring tool-specific questions...

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Posted by | May 27, 2015
Master Class: ActBlue

The Master Class program is focused on the specific tools that organizers use every day, and helping intermediate users become efficient, effective power users. Feel free to bring tool-specific questions...

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Posted by | May 27, 2015
Master Class: BSD Tools

The Master Class program is focused on the specific tools that organizers use every day, and helping intermediate users become efficient, effective power users. Feel free to bring tool-specific questions...

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Posted by | May 27, 2015
Master Class: NGP VAN

The Master Class program is focused on the specific tools that organizers use every day, and helping intermediate users become efficient, effective power users. Feel free to bring tool-specific questions...

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Posted by | April 27, 2015
How to Move Your Data from Excel to SQL

Many analysts are able to force Excel into doing the things they need. But once the data gets big enough, their VLOOKUPs and pivot tables break Excel, or force you...

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Posted by | April 14, 2015
Multilingual Justice: Beyond Translation

With recent uprisings of low-wage workers fighting against poverty wages, many grassroots organizers have a need to organize in a way that transcends barriers of language. Creating multilingual spaces in...

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Posted by | April 14, 2015
It’s the Creative, Stupid! Using Content to Drive Your Message from Facebook and Instagram

Join the political team from Facebook and Instagram to dive into the world of digital creative. What is creative content? How do you find a creative voice in the noisy...

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Posted by | April 14, 2015
Creative for All: The Keys to Creating Compelling Content

Come learn the basics for getting creative ideas up and running efficiently and in-house. We'll cover everything from breaking down key messaging into a strong and sharable graphic image, to...

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Posted by | April 14, 2015
Facebook-Powered Growth: Turning Likes into Email Supporters and Donors

There are over 1 billion Facebook users, but how do you motivate them to go beyond 'like' and 'share' and support your organization in bigger, more meaningful ways? This session...

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Posted by | April 14, 2015
The Online Lab: Perfecting Your Outreach Through Email Testing

Every email list is different, so how do you know what messaging will motivate your supporters the most? What subject lines will grab their attention? Which email layout will get...

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