
Posted by | June 19, 2014
Engaging and Growing Your Supporter Base with Google Tools

Whether your goal is to reach new supporters or deepen existing connections, there are a variety of digital tools and platforms to take your outreach to the next level. This...

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Posted by | June 9, 2014
Master Class: NGP VAN

The Master Class program is focused on the specific tools that organizers use every day, and helping intermediate users become efficient, effective power users. This Master Class focuses on harnessing...

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Posted by | June 9, 2014
Master Class: Salsa

The Master Class program is focused on the specific tools that organizers use every day, and helping intermediate users become efficient, effective power users. Join this advanced Salsa session to...

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Posted by | June 5, 2014
Master Class: Google AdWords & Analytics

The Master Class program is focused on the specific tools that organizers use every day, and helping intermediate users become efficient, effective power users. Whether your goal is to get...

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Posted by | June 5, 2014
Master Class: NationBuilder

The Master Class program is focused on the specific tools that organizers use every day, and helping intermediate users become efficient, effective power users. Having access to website building and...

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Posted by | May 28, 2014
Master Class: BSD Tools

The Master Class program is focused on the specific tools that organizers use every day, and helping intermediate users become efficient, effective power users. Dozens of the most important and...

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Posted by | May 27, 2014
Funding the projects you care about

Most activists have projects they would love to do -- but can't, since they still need to pay the rent. This training will focus on how regular people can find...

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Posted by | May 21, 2014
FunnyRapidResponse.Com: Making Hyper-Shareable Microsites That Change The Political Conversation Quick

Microsites - quick, simple novelty sites like EtchASketchRomney that often appear as near-immediate rapid response to something happening in the news. They are increasingly a huge part of the online...

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Posted by | April 3, 2014
Twitter Training for Campaigning: Strategies to Win and Build Community

Twitter is the platform of choice for political activists, reporters and candidates; a politically hyper-engaged audience who mold the conversation nationally. This session will guide you through advanced strategies for...

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Posted by | April 2, 2014
The online laboratory: Perfecting your outreach through email testing

Every email list is different, so how do you know what messaging will motivate your supporters the most? What subject lines will grab their attention? Which email layout will get...

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