
Posted by | April 8, 2013
Stories From the Front Lines of Organizing

National People's Action has a tradition  of bringing together organizers from around the country to share stories about their organizing work on some of the toughest issues, from immigration to...

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Posted by | April 8, 2013
Graphic Design Hacks for Non-Designers

Do you wish you could make that killer graphic you envisioned? Are you jealous of your friends who are proficient with Adobe Creative Suite? Do you feel like the internet...

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Posted by | April 8, 2013
Seeing is Believing: Visual Storytelling Best Practices

You’ve heard countless times that a picture is worth a thousand words. In the mysterious inner world of the brain, pictures actually do take primacy over words. But how often...

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Posted by | April 8, 2013
Kill the Press Release: Pitching Media in a New Media World

The press release was born in 1906, before the internet, mobile phones or television and just 10 years after the invention of radio. Since its birth, we've revolutionized the way...

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Posted by | April 8, 2013
What are you doing on my site? Google Analytics for Tracking and Optimization

Do you know what people do when they get to your site? Google Analytics tells you things like how much time someone spends on a page or how quickly they...

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Posted by | April 8, 2013
Make It Pop: Using Data Visualisation To Understand What You’ve Done, are Doing and Should Do

We understand the importance of data-driven work in organizing, but how do we properly understand the data to be driven by them? This training will show you techniques for visualizing...

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Posted by | April 8, 2013
Play Your Way to a Theory of Change

As the '80s hit says: "One thing leads to another." That's the most basic description of a theory of change. If you want to make a difference in this world,...

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Posted by | April 8, 2013
Five Secrets: The Proven Neuroscience Behind Persuading Voters

Everyone remembers the first time that State Sen. Barack Obama came onto the national stage. This guy from Illinois with a funny name delivered a speech that many say is...

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Posted by | April 8, 2013
Tweeting the Revolution: Twitter Training for Campaigning

In this last year, Twitter has doubled its users by at least 200 million users. This session will guide you in the basic to intermediate with some tidbits of advanced...

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Posted by | April 8, 2013
Base Building and Elections: Winning While Building Grassroots Power

This session will address how elections can be won in such a way that power is built up in the grassroots and that winning is more than 50 percent plus 1....

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