
Posted by | April 6, 2012
Investigative Reporting for Bloggers

This session will offer training and tips in the basics of investigative journalism, with special emphasis on election-year issues.

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Posted by | April 6, 2012
Blog Content Bootcamp

So you have a blog, some social media profiles and can write decently, but now it's time to use those tools to create quality content that engages readers and advances...

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Posted by | April 6, 2012
How to Ensure Your Web Development Project is a Complete Failure

Set unrealistic deadlines! Don’t define your intended audience! Refuse to make decisions! Many of the ways you can mess up your new website or redesign are identical to the ways...

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Posted by | April 6, 2012
Getting Analytical with Google Analytics

Grassroots marketing used to mean going door-to-door or sending out mail, but today it is just as likely to involve YouTube or Pinterest. How can we tell which method of...

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Posted by | April 6, 2012
Excel-erate! Turbo-charge your Excel skills

This session is a rapid-fire introduction to several important functions of Microsoft Excel, all of which will help you digest, manipulate and display data quickly and easily. Aimed at an...

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Posted by | April 6, 2012
Data-Driven Design for Progressive Organizations: 10 Engagement Metrics You Probably aren’t Tracking

We'll share 10 often overlooked web, social media and email metrics you can use to improve your social bottom line (in terms of actions taken, money raised, etc.). More than...

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Posted by | April 6, 2012
Randomized Controlled Experiment Results to Win Your Campaign

New scientifically effective proven campaign tactics from the Analyst Institute. Randomized controlled experiments have been used by academics and political organizations for the past 10 years to uncover what works...

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Posted by | April 6, 2012
Tweeting the Revolution: Twitter Training for Campaigning

This session will guide you in the basic to intermediate, with some tidbits of advance strategies for using Twitter to promote campaigns of every type. We’ll discuss awareness/issue campaigns that...

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Posted by | April 6, 2012
Ideas to Action: Launching a People-powered Campaign for Change

Molly Katchpole took on Bank of America's $5 fee. Katy Butler fought to give “Bully” a “PG-13” rating so students can see the film. Saudi women successfully got the world’s top diplomats,...

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Posted by | April 6, 2012
How to Make Clicks Mean Something: Strategic Planning for Online Campaigns

Online activism can be as meaningless as people clicking on a web page, or powerful enough to change this country—it all depends on your strategy. This training will teach you...

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