
Posted by | April 6, 2012
Recruiting and Hiring Rockstar Staffers

Good help can be hard to find, but it doesn’t have to be. There are thousands of talented organizers out there—you’ve just got to find and recruit them to your...

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Posted by | April 6, 2012
Online Activism, Social Media and the Law

Especially in the post-Citizens United universe, organizers involved in political campaigns and party organizations, 501(c)(3)s, (c)(4)s and the labor movement are often unsure what kinds of activity they can engage...

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Posted by | April 6, 2012
Social Media Strategy for Advocacy

Come to this session for the down and dirty details of how to successfully use social media in political advocacy. We’ll focus on the integration of social media into your...

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Posted by | April 6, 2012
Base Building and Elections: Winning while Building Grassroots Power

This session will address how elections can be won in such a way that power is built up in the grassroots and that winning is more than 50 percent plus...

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