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Accountable.US is a nonpartisan watchdog organization that shines a light on the corrupting influence of powerful corporations and special interests on public policymaking. Our work helps pave the way for policies that advance the interests of all Americans, not just the rich and powerful.

A Great Idea (AGI) is an agile, full-service brand and communications agency that specializes in advocacy-building creative solutions for community-based organization, healthcare, and education partners across the country. Weather launch or evolution, we are a team of proven experts in smart, innovative strategies while delivering award-winning professional, innovative, and engaging design and development across print and digital platforms. AGI is a proud and certified member of the NGLCC, National Lesbian and Gay Chamber of Commerce.

Alliance for Justice Action Campaign promotes a national conversation about the importance of the courts in protecting our core constitutional values through advocacy, research, and mobilizing progressive advocates and voters. AFJ Action also develops resources on the legal framework for 501(c)(4) nonprofit advocacy and the rules that apply to funding 501(c)(4)s.

For over 80 years, the American Humanist Association has proudly served as the leading progressive voice in America on behalf of humanists, atheists, agnostics, and freethinkers.We strive to bring about a progressive society where being good without a god is an accepted and respected way to live life.

Americans United for Separation of Church and State is a nonpartisan, not-for-profit educational and advocacy organization that brings together people of all religions and none to protect the right of everyone to believe as they want — and stop anyone from using their beliefs to harm others. We fight in the courts, legislatures, and the public square for freedom without favor and equality without exception.

Apiary for Practical Support offers technical assistance to groups that provide logistical care to people seeking abortions. Collaborating with practical support organizations (PSOs) and community members, we co-create and exchange information, resources, and materials for folks to use and adapt. We offer non-judgmental, non-prescriptive thought partnership for PSOs and PS-curious movement workers seeking support on how to improve or expand their programs and operations.

Aptify by Community Brands is a membership management solution built on a scalable, flexible platform. Aptify makes it easy to take control of your data and your software. Aptify also makes it easy to run accurate reports, create reliable dashboards, and manage member data – all from one system. For labor unions, Aptify provides out-of-the-box membership management and union-specific functionality.

Since its inception in 2019, BAC-ART has emerged as an artistic platform showcasing abstract acrylic paintings known for their vibrant and dynamic color palettes. Rooted in a fusion of artistic expression and civic engagement, each creation reflects a profound resonance with contemporary sociopolitical currents. BAC-ART seeks to bring joy in these challenging times.

It takes more than the President to change the country, yet most voters don’t know who’s running for Lieutenant Governor, State Representative, or School Board. Ballot Builder helps organizations create branded, interactive voter guides that solve this problem. Ballot Builder helps voters feel more confident, boosting turnout and informed decisions.

Brady has one powerful mission — to unite all Americans against gun violence. We work across Congress, the courts, and our communities with grassroots chapters nationwide, bringing together young and old, red and blue, and every shade of color to find common ground in common sense. In the spirit of our namesakes Jim and Sarah Brady, we have fought for over 45 years to take action, not sides, and we will not stop until this epidemic ends. It’s in our hands.

CallHub is your ultimate campaign-organizing tool. With seamless outreach, phone banking, canvassing, and groundbreaking GOTV campaigns, we’re not just another tool – we’re an active member of your campaign. Whether you’re a grassroots campaign or gearing up for 2024, let’s talk and get ready to win. Our track record speaks for itself: 200 million texts and 200 million call minutes, empowering campaigns and making a difference. Join over 40,000 onboarded users to Connect, Organize & WIN!

Campaign Deputy is a CRM that empowers Progressives to easily manage their fundraising, digital, and compliance needs allowing them to focus on the important work of building movements, changing the conversation, and turning out voters.

CampaignHelp is on a mission to ease your team stress about technology, and give your Operations Director the time, energy, and space to work on the big picture strategy that will help your organization grow! We do that by providing outsourced helpdesk support from a campaigns-team perspective, hardware management, campaign loading into ActionKit & Action Network, and more!

The Center for Climate Integrity (CCI) empowers communities and elected officials with the knowledge and tools they need to hold oil and gas corporations accountable for decades of lying about climate change. Through strategic campaigns, communications, and legal support, we ensure that the fossil fuel industry pays its fair share of the massive costs of climate damages.

The Center for Media and Democracy is a nationally recognized watchdog that leads in-depth investigations into the undue influence of powerful special interests on our democracy. For 30 years, our award-winning exposés have pulled back the curtain on numerous cases of corruption and manipulation of policy, elections, and the media.

Change Agent is the first AI chatbot developed to support political organizations. Our large language model has been fine-tuned to embrace a Progressive perspective, solve organizing-specific problems, and generate content tailored to Progressive audiences in virtually any format.

Change the Game (CTG) knows there is a dearth of diversity within the progressive data space, something that is detrimental not only to living our values but also to the quality of analysis of the data we need to build power. For this reason, CTG aims to create accessible pathways into this field for a diverse group of learners, who hope to gain the skills and understanding of tools needed to start working as data staffers for progressive organizations around the country. CTG aims to simultaneously build out a mechanism of community-building and support for existing practitioners and experts to better support these learners  – an infrastructure that will also be utilized by the new members of the community as they progress through CTG programming.

Transform the way your organization engages with media and content creation with Chorus AI. We understand the myriad roles you juggle and the constant system-switching that eats away your time. Chorus AI turns half-day projects into effortless half-hour achievements. Strategize with a curated daily media feed, produce news briefings and intel roundups, and create compelling content as Chorus learns your unique voice and style.

Civic Shout is a paid email and SMS acquisition platform for Democratic campaigns and progressive nonprofits. We make it ridiculously easy to publish petitions and grow your opt-in email and SMS communities with high-quality, fixed-cost supporters who actually want to hear from you.

Civitech is a public benefit corporation that provides an affordable and accessible suite of tools to register and turn out voters, recruit candidates to run for office, and help Democratic and progressive candidates and causes win.

Climate Cabinet Action is the “Moneyball” of climate politics. Climate Cabinet targets state and local elections that would provide the greatest “return on investment” in the fight against climate change and helps those candidates win at the ballot box. From critical funding to field or communications services, Climate Cabinet provides pro-climate candidates the tools they need to run, win, and legislate on climate change.

Daisychain is a new platform that helps progressive organizations integrate tools, build workflow automations, and send optimized texting campaigns. Demolish your data silos, eliminate grunt work, and engage your audience with a next-generation toolset that’s designed from the ground up to help progressives raise more money, recruit more volunteers, and turn out more voters.

Data for Progress is a progressive think tank and polling firm arming movements with the tools they need to fight for a more equitable future. Led by a team of policy and data experts, we produce quality polling, data-based messaging, and policy generation for progressive causes, campaigns, and candidates.

DemCast is dedicated to spreading pro-democracy content and defeating right-wing narratives across social media by deploying tens of thousands of digital activists to spread client and partner messaging organically, drastically increasing online traction. When fresh content is needed, we work with the award-winning video production team at Eleven Films to produce gripping viral videos that are unparalleled in quality.

Emerge is changing politics in this country by breaking down barriers, opening doors, and creating pathways for Democratic women to get involved in politics. We are the nation’s premier organization that recruits and trains Democratic women to run for office. We are the only political organization that focuses on effective state and national programming that gives women the tools they need to run and win, as well as building an inclusive sisterhood of alums and a network of alumnae, staff, boards, and volunteers who work 365 days a year to support women through their candidacies at every level and once they are elected.

Faithful America is the largest online community of grassroots Christians putting faith into action for love and social justice. We’re reclaiming Jesus by standing up to white Christian nationalism, MAGA Christofascism, and the religious right. Together, our members speak out with immigrants, the LGBTQ community, the Black Lives Matter movement, pro-choice advocates, and more.

Family Values@Work Action (FV@WA) believes that a society focused on care (of families and individuals) will heal us and promote prosperity. We’re building power with our sister organization, Family Values @ Work, and a national network of 17 state coalitions centered on caregiving and economic justice. #CareisLove

Flatiron Media provides lead generation and 1st party customer acquisition for cause-based, political and brand clients.  Whether the goal is to drive more customers to your organization’s digital assets or to grow your organization’s contact database we can help. Since 2005 we’ve been partnering with clients’ & their agencies including: Hillary for America, Bernie 2020 Campaign, Care 2 & Protect the Promise & Californians for Responsible Marijuana Reform to design compliant programs that address each organization’s specific growth goals and related KPIs.

The mission of The Forge is to elevate the strategy and practice of organizing through the sharing of ideas, methods, history, and inspiration, and by building connection and community among organizers and between sectors of the progressive movement.

From nonprofits to political campaigns and more, Forward Frame Media creates videos that inspire change and move causes forward. Our team works alongside our clients, and turns their message into a compelling narrative that shows the world who they are and generates the action they need.

Generation Data is a national, mission driven non-profit. Our focus is on recruiting and training the next generation of diverse data and technology practitioners who will help progressive organizations achieve victory at the national, state, and local levels.

Built for campaigns by campaign professionals, Goodstock & Co is a custom e-commerce platform for progressive campaigns and causes. We offer fully branded stores that can mix and match on-demand and wholesale, USA-made, and union-decorated products. We handle everything from fulfillment to compliance and invest our profits back into the community.”

Save time and resources with GOWO! HR and employer-of-record solutions. Hire and support staff anywhere quickly and compliantly. We know you support all the employee protections that go along with being a responsible and progressive employer. But it’s okay to recognize that acquiring and administering every account, policy, program and benefit can be a chore. GOWO! is a safe and shared employment refuge for you and your staff. We utilize our infrastructure to hire, pay and take care of your supported employees. You maintain day-to-day direction of and communication with your team, while we manage payroll, benefits, risk mitigation, compliance, and ongoing employee support. From one to a thousand staffers, one to a thousand work days, you do your mission; we’ll get you started quickly and keep you moving ahead smoothly and with purpose.

Grassroots Analytics is a leading data company specializing in empowering campaigns, nonprofits, and progressive organizations with cutting-edge data and tech tools for effective fundraising. Harnessing the power of data-driven strategies, Grassroots enables clients to optimize their fundraising efforts and achieve their goals in the dynamic landscape of political and social advocacy.

At Great Society Strategies, we build successful Democratic and nonpartisan campaigns through advanced voter targeting and superior management and strategy. Whether you’re an incumbent or a first-time candidate eager to learn the ropes, we have the tools and experience to guide you to victory.

Groundwork Collaborative is driven by a simple idea: We are the economy. We fight to change economic policy and narratives in order to build public power, break up concentrations of private power, and deliver true opportunity and prosperity for all. 

Many of us are struggling to stay well in these times. And good nutrition often feels out of reach. Healthy Campaign offers strategies, checklists, recipes, support calls, online community, a toolkit, and an online course. Engage in whatever way you will feel most supported.

Turn clicks into votes and votes into victories with Hey Victor. Launching your website has never been easier. Our websites empower Democratic candidates, state and county parties, and progressive organizations to maximize fundraising, engage voters, and mobilize volunteers. With our beautifully crafted, effective, secure, and affordable websites, backed by dedicated support, you can spend less time worrying about website woes and more time winning.

Our staff have a combined 59 years of experience in grassroots fundraising and individual giving. Innovative Fundraising, LLC aims to bring fundraisers together from coast to coast in order to learn from each other and implement best practices.

From registering to vote to filing taxes, our day-to-day experiences of citizenship too closely resemble bureaucratic nightmares — working with an agency can often lead to a confusing mess of paperwork and needless stress. The Institute for Responsive Government‘s mission is simple: to help policy makers find solutions that make government more efficient, accessible, and responsive to the needs of real human beings, because government should work for the people.

Laws that undermine reproductive health, rights and justice deprive people of moral agency, rob us of control over our bodies, and compound other forms of oppression including racism, sexism, and poverty. The Lawyering Project‘s mission is to eliminate these laws and the harmful impacts they have on people’s lives. We focus on laws that limit abortion care; contribute to disparities in reproductive health outcomes; embody gender-based stereotypes; or discriminate against people based on their reproductive decisions. Our goal is a legal system that enables each of us to make decisions about intensely personal matters like sex, pregnancy, family, and health care based on our own beliefs and values—and ensures that we all have the resources we need to carry those decisions out.

The Legal Defense Fund (LDF) is America’s premier legal organization fighting for racial justice. Using the power of law, narrative, research, and people, we defend and advance the full dignity and citizenship of Black people in America. Founded in 1940, LDF is the nation’s first civil rights law organization.

The Maryland Democratic Party works to support Democratic candidates up and down the ballot. Through advocacy, education, and grassroots organizing, we aim to defeat Republicans at the ballot box to keep Maryland blue at all levels.

Campaigning is hard. Merch should be easy. We believe that merch is social proof for politics, and that EVERY Democratic and progressive campaign, candidate, and organization should have an easy way to offer merch to supporters. That is why we have built the first platform to make it possible for any entity with an ActBlue account to offer merch with no upfront cost.Raise money. Let people show their support. Win. MerchBlue is a project of Buttonsmith Inc., a unionized print shop and manufacturer based in Redmond, Washington.

Mississippi Votes is an organization of intergenerational synergy centering and led by young people invested in the progression of Mississippi. We do this through our programming and outreach strategies that empowers young people, encourages civic engagement, and educates communities on voting rights through place-based grassroots organizing.

Music City Creative is a Nashville-based print shop that specializes in eco-friendly merchandise for special projects, events, brands, artists, and more. We focus on curating a strong, diverse, and passionate team. Through community-conscious practices, we deliver creative solutions through innovative design at a fair and sustainable profit. We partner with national and local brands to support the advancement of social equity and mobility through our designs, diverse hiring practices, and partnerships with nonprofit groups. We have millions of views across Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook.

The National Popular Vote bill is a way for states to work together to guarantee that the winner of the national popular vote wins the electoral college and the presidency. No more second place presidents, no more candidates campaigning in only a handful of battleground states – instead every vote will be equal and the candidate with the most votes wins. So far 15 states & D.C. have passed our bill, with a total of 195 electoral votes. Once states with 75 additional electoral votes join, the agreement will go into effect. We only need a few more states to join for America to elect the President on a “one person, one vote” basis.

Navigator is a trusted resource for developing and distributing winning progressive messages and polling on the most pressing issues of the moment. Our rapid response surveys and vast data ecosystem allow us to share real-time perspectives on rapidly evolving topics, while also maintaining long-term tracking on the nation’s top issues.
Fossil fuels drive climate change. And fossil fuel money drives climate politics. The No Fossil Fuel Money pledge is a solution. We’re an open-source campaign tool that anyone can use at any level in our democracy to connect grassroots activists with political leaders in the mission of a fossil-free democracy.

Partners in Abortion Care is the only women-owned and operated abortion clinic providing abortions in all trimesters. We are also the only abortion clinic co-founded by a certified nurse midwife and physician partnership. We’re located in College Park, Maryland, and we’re committed to helping people coming from areas where abortion rights have been restricted.

Prompt.io™  is a communication platform designed for political organizations, advocacy groups, nonprofits, and associations. The platform uses mobile outreach features that can scale with an organization’s team to amplify its impact, gain larger influence, and build lasting engagement.

Public News Service is the newswire for public interest and social justice news reaching 12 million people a day on the radio, in print, and online. PNS is member supported by organizations who fund-a-beat to uplift underrepresented issues and voices. Together, we work to improve people’s lives through access to news and information.

Qomon is the most innovative and user-friendly Mobilization platform & mobile app that powers non-profit organizations, campaigns, movements & advocacy groups worldwide to mobilize bigger using data & digital. Designed for organizations of all sizes, from individuals aspiring to shape the future to international organizations, Qomon combines a set of grassroots tools, including an Action CRM, Field & Digital Organizing tools and Data & Map tools.


Quiller is an AI-enabled copilot for Democratic campaigns and strategists that is revolutionize online fundraising in the political world. The tool is designed to write, send, and evaluate the effectiveness of fundraising and organizing emails.

Rank the Vote is a non-partisan, non-profit 501(c)(3) organization that empowers people across America to rapidly build grassroots movements for Ranked Choice Voting right where they live, creating the preconditions for successful municipal and statewide enactment campaigns.

Reach is an industry-leading tool for digital and relational organizing which has been used on over a thousand progressive campaigns at every level. We first built Reach for the 2018 AOC campaign as a tool for ourselves after we realized traditional door-to-door canvassing methods were limiting who we were talking to and when we were able to effectively collect data in the field.

Red Emma’s is a worker cooperative radical bookstore, coffeehouse, bar, and vegan restaurant, celebrating our 20th anniversary this year. Come visit us at 3128 Greenmount Avenue.

re:power is a national capacity building and training organization for the progressive movement. We’re building a multiracial democracy connecting electoral politics and organizing to bridge the gap between elections and social movements so that our people can take collective action and realize their own visions for their communities.

At RepresentWomen, we imagine a healthy 21st century democracy with gender-balanced representation in elected and appointed positions, at every level of government. To achieve this, we are committed to researching, understanding, and then championing the evidence-based solutions that break down structural barriers to women’s political leadership.

For over 50 years, Reproductive Freedom for All (formerly NARAL Pro-Choice America) has fought to protect and advance reproductive freedom at the federal and state levels, including access to abortion care, birth control, pregnancy and post-partum care, and paid family leave for everybody. Reproductive Freedom for All is powered by its more than 4 million members from every state and congressional district in the country, representing the 8 in 10 Americans who support legal abortion.

Rising Organizers trains new and emerging leaders in community organizing skills, and makes organizing a more accessible pathway to civic participation for everyday people. We find people at the beginning of their organizing journey, and provide them with skills, direction, and community, in order to build a more representative democracy for all of us.  Rising Organizers Action provides accessible, grassroots-oriented trainings for progressive political organizations. We offer public and private trainings in strategic organizing, leadership development, and more—all designed to provide first-in-class political training for every skill level and audience.

RUN! is a popular website builder for political campaigns and organizations, hosting over 100 campaigns for Governor, US Senate, Congress and more. Includes integrations with NGP, Action Network, Mobilize, and more.

We’ve organized some of the largest voter contact programs in politics and built the tools to power those programs.  We’ve built Scale to Win to make sure progressives everywhere have the high-quality, reliable, and cost-effective tools we need to effect change and win. Because the last thing organizers should have to worry about is the quality of their tools.

SeeBotRun is a woman, queer, and minority co-owned company. Our philosophy is that technology should be easily accessible to everyone, everywhere. We provide web and application development, hosting, support services, mobile messaging, integrations, and more. Our philosophy is that technology should be easily accessible to everyone, everywhere.

Social Currant is a tech platform that matches progressive nonprofits and impact brands with the right creators. Source, communicate with and manage your creators in one place. The platform also comes with payments and contracts, saving you time. Social Currant is a Gen Z led company and has been featured in the New York Times, Business Insider and other publications.

State Voices is a nationwide, nonpartisan network of 24 state-based coalitions called “State Tables,” advocates, and organizers fighting for a healthy, multiracial democracy with Black, Indigenous, Latinx, Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI), and all people of color (BIPOC). The work we do is guided by a simple mission: using data and technology, people-powered campaigns, and leadership building to collectively build a multiracial democracy that allows everyone to thrive and live in their full dignity.

Swayable is a data platform that measures how content  changes political opinions, such as issue support or intent-to-vote for a candidate. We pre-test messages and creative to identify what stories change minds and who they persuade. Our clients include Democratic party committees, media agencies, PACs, non-profits, and progressive campaigns at all levels (from Presidential down to State House). Swayable is incorporated as a public benefit corporation dedicated to effective truth telling.

Teal Media is a woman-owned full-service creative and design agency based in Washington, DC, and Detroit, MI. We believe purposeful design combined with smart strategy and sensible technology can transform organizations, inspire action, and enable progress.

Unified is the social network for activism. Discover, connect with, and amplify activists in your community and across the country. See our exhibitor profile in the Netroots app for an invite code and a  link to join.

Universe is an all-in-one campaign management platform built in local campaign offices, for local organizers. Campaign tech has evolved to be fragmented, expensive, and built for large campaigns with internal technology teams. Universe is built exclusively for down ballot campaigns, local organizations, and first-time candidates – giving them access to all of the modern tooling they need to run their campaign, even without a large budget or in-house tech team.

VDX.tv is a global video advertising technology company that helps brands magnify the magic of their TV advertising. We scale TV ad experiences across household digital devices through video-driven ads that consumers can interact with. Our industry-specific solutions leverage attention, relevancy and frequency to deepen connections between brands and consumers.

Vital Voters is a boutique agency created in 2020 to gather data on immigrant voters and work with political campaigns and advocacy organizations to develop customized outreach plans. We have developed an interactive map of immigrant voters in battleground states to make it easier to identify, understand, and target immigrant voters.

The Voting Rights Lab is a nonpartisan organization accelerating the movement for free and fair elections through expert analysis, research, and innovations. We track election-related legislation and current law in all 50 states and D.C. in our State Voting Rights Tracker.

Votivate: Empowering progressive campaigns with AI-integrated tools. Access current voter data, streamline mobile canvassing with instant turf assignment and on-the-go voter lookup. Gain insights through intuitive data visualization and reporting. Revolutionize your campaign strategy with Votivate’s innovative solutions.

Winnable, from Blueshift Technologies, empowers progressive down-ballot campaigns and issue advocacy organizations to create high-quality websites for minimal cost. Built by experienced campaign professionals for campaigns, Winnable makes launching a website as easy as possible, while offering best-in-class technical support.