Amber J. Phillips, Manager, Campus Organizing, inspires and mobilizes young activists as they fight for sexual health awareness, LGBTQ rights, gender equality, and ending the stigma around abortion. Amber is a lead coordinator of on-the-ground efforts such as the 1 in 3 Week of Action, #Vision4SexEd and the 1 in 3 Week of Artivism and conducts trainings at national conferences. Amber supports dozens of sexual health and reproductive rights organizers throughout the year and has also influenced viral messaging content for Advocates’ Don’t Be Triched campaign and the 1 in 3 Campaign Valentines. Prior to joining Advocates, Amber trained organizers, developed leaders, and created civic engagement field plans for the Bus Project and Young People For. She attended Chatham College for Women in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania where she earned her Bachelor’s of Social Work and Cultural Studies with a concentration in African-American Studies.