For the last 17 years, Andrea has been a union organizer committed to working with low wage workers and building a progressive labor movement. Andrea is Assistant Director of the Making Change at Walmart campaign and directs worker organizing and the development of Organization United for Respect at Walmart (OUR Walmart). OUR Walmart is an association of Walmart workers across the country who are coming together to build power by striking and taking action to change working conditions at Walmart. Previously, Andrea was the Executive Vice President and Organizing Director of SEIU United Services Workers West (USWW) an umbrella organization of property services worker local unions in California that have organized and secured and maintained health care and living wages 40,000 janitors, security officers, higher education and airport workers in. For 11 years Andrea led organizing for Justice for Janitors, and Airport Workers United campaigns in California that brought over 10,000 new workers into the union over the last decade. Andrea started her union organizing work with the Hotel and Restaurant Worker’s union (HERE) in Las Vegas, NV organizing hotel workers into the union. Andrea Dehlendorf lives in Oakland her five year old son, Enzo.